Xiangshan Districtのベストビストロ
- ~4,999円
- 5,000〜9,999円
- 10,000円~
ご予約にあたってのお願い※網路訂位系統無法指定座位,若靠窗位訂滿將安排不靠窗座位。※個人低消為每人一份套餐午套餐價位從800元起,晚餐1680元起有多種價位可供選擇.(另酌收水資每位NT40元及10%服務費)※如果無法選擇您要的人數,請來電洽詢。晚餐時段5位以上或午餐時段10位以上的訂位將會預收訂金,目前僅開放電話訂位,訂席專線02-81010016※入席時間均不多做保留須要準時入席,敬請知悉;若未於時間内到達,將優先請現場. 等候的顧客入座。Notes※Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area※If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email※Reservations for over 4 people for dinner,or over 10 people for lunch,Will need prepay depositPlease to make us a call +886-2-81010016 or send us an e-mail:thebest200685f@yahoo.com.twwe will arrange for you※We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time※Please be advised we serve set courses for lunch and dinnerThe price of our lunch set is from NT$800~NT$4280.The price of our dinner set is from NT$1680~NT$6880.Except for the price of the set courses, we will also charge NT$40/per person for mineral water and all prices are subject to 10% for service charge.Please do not hesitate to make us a call or send us an e-mail if there's any requirement, thank you!
工作室資訊用最原始的烹調手法來詮釋食材最美好的樣貌| 空間規範 |-工作室是一同共享的空間,請尊重使用此空間的每個人。-禁用各類外食,除幼兒寶寶食物外,飲料我們將為您放至吧檯代為保管。-生日慶生攜帶慶生蛋糕不會酌收額外的費用(需自備餐具),當然我們也很樂意為您預留店內販售甜點,提供生日蠟燭、小插旗,但無提供分切、畫盤服務。-如想帶家中毛小孩入內需全程待在外出用品內,如因在陌生環境造成毛小孩較緊張,家長需安撫避免影響其他客人用餐。-倡導理性飲酒不拚酒,如發生店內嘔吐將收取清潔費2000元/處。-用餐過程如造成杯盤器皿破損需照價賠償。-空間內單椅皆為1960年的老件,我們希望與大家分享老件特有的魅力,請溫柔對待,如有不慎毀損、人為污漬情形發生需照價賠償。| 營業時間 |-午餐11:30 至15:00 | 最後入座、點餐時間13:30最低消費$500+10%/位-晚餐 18:00至22:00 | 最後入座、點餐時間20:00最低消費$900+10%/位-如超過最後入座時間入場恕無法接待-用餐人數有減少請提前告知,否則會依原先預約之人數收取低消-若於營業時間結束尚未離開,超時情況加收超時費用,以$1500/15分鐘 為單位計收,敬請見諒。-低消標準以身高超過120公分為基準,120公分以下不列入計算低消| 訂位需知 |-用餐時間為2個小時,以訂位時間為準。-訂位保留10分鐘,如未在保留時間內主動與我們聯繫將視為取消訂位,且系統將留有記錄,如有無故未到紀錄,將取消您線上訂位資格。-因客席區場域限制,如需更改訂位人數煩請提早告知,以保障用餐品質及其他客人權益,依現場情況我們保留拒絕現場增加用餐人數權利。-僅接受30天內及8位以下線上訂位。8位(含)以上、預約低消包廂(最多可容納12位)、包場、預約特殊食材、其他需求…等,歡迎您於營業時間來電。-訂位需先行綁定您的信用卡資訊以完成訂位手續,此階段不會被收取任何費用,僅做為訂位出席保證之用。-24小時內取消或未通知取消而無前來用餐,將收取該餐期低消位訂金。/ 訂金$500/位 /該費用恕不退還或無法挪至下一次用餐使用,訂位前請詳閱規定以保障個人訂位權益,敬請提早聯絡訂位變更。-若需當日預約或線上訂位已滿,可以來電詢問或安排候補位。| 候補須知 |候補名額若未釋出恕餐廳不另行通知。| 付款 |現金、信用卡/ 暫無支援美國運通卡 /| 停車資訊 |工作室含五格免費停車位,恕無提供預留車位服務工作室正對面有一個付費停車場/ 無特約$40/hr僅提供悠遊卡付款 /以上所述,工作室保有最終解釋權。感謝您詳細閱讀工作室規定,謝謝您的配合與諒解。
|About Neat|
In keeping with our motto,
“It’s all about sharing- exquisite food, great libations and the moment.” my brother Vincent and I will be introducing the city to a new and exciting concept in delicious libations and gastronomy. My brother, Vincent, fresh from his time in Taipei providing delicious cocktails and libations to a cosmopolitan clientele, has developed a concept of unmatched cocktails and other delicious mixology that we feel must be shared with our great community! With his strong team of master mixologists and the entire team of Little Hippo, we plan to blow your mind with outstanding drinks, food and top notch service spirit. What we envision is a cosmopolitan excellence and style in our Zhubei neighborhood.
A global tapas bar founded in 2018. Our mission is to have our diners feel and enjoy happiness through food and wine. We have a strong passion for gastronomy, and a strong curiosity of the world’s food culture. We create a changing menu and wine list that fully embraces the taste of our diverse world.
|Dining Rules|
Every guest is required to order at least one drink or a main dish.
2)Corkage Fee
Wine, Champagne, Sake or other brew wine(Less than750ml): 500NTD/bottle
Liquor, other distilled spirit (More than 750ml): 1000NTD/bottle
We do have a service charge, but tips are welcomed and appreciated!:-)