Luzhou Districtのベスト中華料理レストラン
- ~4,999円
- 5,000〜9,999円
- 10,000円~
TIEN HSIANG LOTaste delicacies from West Lake, enjoy the elegant style of the Song Dynasty. Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once praised “the prosperity of the world banquet is not as good as Hangzhou”!Hangzhou is known as the “Land of much fish and rice, the home of silk, and the state of culture”. It was the capital city of the Southern Song.Dynasty, during which the booming humanities and gourmet cultures were at their peak in what was called the Chinese Renaissance. The gathering of scholars and literati has made Hangzhou cuisine the representative of Chinese fine food culture.Tien Hsiang Lo of the Landis Taipei Hotel is derived from Tien Hsiang Lo in Hong Kong, which originally came from Hangzhou. It adheres to the authentic taste of Hangzhou’s traditional dishes, while following the essential cuisine culture of Hangzhou, presenting the diversity ofHangzhou cuisine. Combined with an interior design that reflects the ten scenic spots of West Lake, poetry that praises the local cuisine and feast, it portrays the aesthetics of the space and the profound humanistic feelings of the delicate Hangzhou cuisine. Then extension of the four arts from Song Dynasty - tea, flower arranging, painting, and incense, fill every corner of the space with the ultimate taste of life that people in the Song Dynasty admired.“Reflecting West Lake, showing the charm of the Song Dynasty”, Tien Hsiang Lo invites you to enjoy the charming beauty of Hangzhou cuisine.◎《2024 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taiwan》◎《2024 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.*Certain dishes from our à la carte require preorder - refer to our menu to understand specific number of days for preparation. Please contact restaurant or specify in NOTE box about reserving menu items.
⚠️ 【ご予約時の注意事項】1. オープンシートは、毎月1日の00:00に翌月に予約されます2. 座席予約の場合、予約の前払い額はNT $ 500 / PAXです。デポジットが前日および当日に一時的にキャンセルまたは再スケジュールされた場合、デポジットは返金されません。3. 前払いのデポジットは当日の消費に対して割引され、個別に返金されることはありません。同じ日に全額を支払う必要がある場合は、レストランにお問い合わせください4. オープンシートは窓際の景色はありません。当日の現地手配に基づいておりますので、個室のご要望がございましたら、レストランサービススタッフまでお電話ください。 [親密なリマインダー-このレストランには衣類の要件があります]1. 女性はスリッパを着用しないでください。2. 3歳以上の男性および若い男性は、かかとまでの長いズボンとつま先の近い靴を着用する必要があります。サンダル、スリッパ、ショーツ、ベストは使用できません。(レストランは、食事の要件を満たしていないゲストを拒否する権利を留保します)[静かで快適で衛生的なダイニング環境を維持するために、次の点に注意してください]1. 食事中は会話の音量を下げ、他のゲストに影響を与えないように、親に気をつけて子供たちに騒いだり走ったりしないように注意してもらいましょう。2. このレストランへの入場はガイド犬のみ許可されており、他のペットは完全に禁止されているため、ご不便をおかけする場合があります。ご不便をおかけして申し訳ありません。3.「菸害防制法」第31条により、ホテル内は禁煙でございます。タバコ、電子タバコ、加熱式タバコ、葉巻、その他タバコ類似品を含めて、ホテル内では喫煙できません。[飲料サービス料金]アルコールを持参すると、サービス料がかかります。赤と白のワインNT $ 1200 /ボトル(750ML)、スピリッツNT $ 2000 /ボトル(1000ML)。カップを交換する必要がある場合、カップのクリーニング料金は追加の100元/個で請求されます【お祝い】誕生日が必要であることを事前に通知している場合、レストランは桃を提供します【その他注意が必要な事項】1. すべての価格はニュー台湾ドルで表され、10%のサービス料が必要です2. ゲストに完璧なダイニング体験と品質を提供し、すべての従業員と他のゲストを丁寧に提供するために、レストランは上記の指示を策定しました。ご理解とご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。
Lunch: 11:30 pm - 2:30 pmLast Order 2:00pmDinner: 5:30 pm - 9:30 pmLast Order: 9:00pm- Please kindly provide specific number of persons (including numbers of children) when making a reservation to ensure seating comfort. - Online reservation is not applicable for specific table and private dining rooms. - Any kind of credit card benefit is not applicable for National Holidays and private dining room. National Holidays are as follows: 2024 New Year’s Day (1/1), Chinese New Year Festival and Valentine's Day (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Tomb-Sweeping Day (4/4-4/7), Labor Day (5/1),Mother's Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10),Father’s day (8/8), Chinese Valentine's Day (8/10), Moon Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas Day (12/24-12/25), 2025New Year’s Day(2024/12/31- 2025/1/1) - Corkage fee applies. NT$500 for wines/ per bottle; NT$1,000 for spirits/ per bottle- Group guests who make reservations separately cannot combine tablesDishes below require advance reservation:- Roasted Duck (Whole) Requires 2 days advance notice - Double-Boiled Fish Maw and Chinese Cabbage with Chicken Consomme (preparation time: 45mins)- Steamed King Crab Claw with Rice Wine. (Requires two days advance notice)
【訂位注意事項】1.目前開放「30天內」的訂位,訂位【保留10分鐘】,逾時則視為放棄訂位。2.可接受 2-8 位訂位(座位安排皆由現場桌況安排,亦有可能為分桌鄰近桌面)3.超過 8 位訂位或特殊活動,請來電預約由專人服務。4.訂位時間請準時或提前至櫃檯報到,若需更改訂位時間或人數,請提前來電告知,以免座位優先禮讓於現場客人。(餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。)5.最後入場時間:01:40。6.訂位完成後,若需調整人數或是更改用餐時間請撥打電話至門市確認。7.恕不接受寵物入內(輔助犬與導盲犬除外)。8.餐點供應品項依現場菜單為主。9.本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位之權利。【用餐計費方式】●本店採單點消費,每桌需開鍋並達低消$500(不含服務費)。※身高未滿110公分免費,超過則比照成人計費收取基本鍋底費。●每桌最低需達兩人以上入座消費。●店內用餐時間為120分鐘。●店內用餐需收10%服務費。●本店禁帶任何外食,酒類或飲料每瓶加收500元開瓶費
親愛的 春韭-晴光店貴賓 您好【預約訂位注意事項,敬請詳閱】?營業時間:每週二~每週日中午12:00至下午14:00,晚上18:00至晚上21:00,每週一公休,相關聯繫事宜,敬請於營業時間內來電。1.我們提供新台菜無菜單料理,以人頭計費(用餐人數至少需有6位),4種餐費選擇,分別為新台幣1200元、1800元、2500元、35 00元,不再另計10%服務費,尚無提供刷卡服務與素食菜品。1200元套餐,僅限平日中午供應。2.線上預約請務必備註餐點價格,您才會收到匯款簡訊,完成匯款後需拍照、回傳交易明細至簡訊連結內的系統,並按『我已付款』才代表預約成功。3.收到預約成功簡訊後,請於3日內(含)完成匯款,且須於匯款簡訊之連結完成點選『我已付款』才代表預約成功,逾期系統將自行取消訂位,餐廳不另行通知。4.若『自行匯款』後無回傳回條或來電確認告知者,恕不代表預約成功。5.訂位成功後需知:『用餐日(含)4日前』可更改用餐人數與日期或改期、取消,4日內取消,則須收取全額餐費,依訂席人數出餐。 舉例: *用餐日3/11 (星期六),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,請於3/7 (星期二) 通知。 *用餐日3/10 (星期五),欲用餐人數與日期或取消訂位,本餐廳每週一公休,故請於3/5 (星期天) 通知。6.餐廳古董老件稜角較多,為顧及整體用餐環境與孩童安全性,不開放10歲以下孩童入內用餐,未提供兒童餐、椅、餐具,11歲以上孩童,則需計算訂位人數。7.為維持良好的用餐環境,本場所室內全面禁煙、無提供投影服務、禁止釘、貼等場地佈置、播放個人音響、麥克風擴大機…等設備,以共同維護良好的用餐品質。8.未提供素食者菜品/如有隨行貴賓酌收清潔費$500/每位。部分菜品含有魚翅,若有忌口請提早告知。9.禁帶外食與飲料,不接受除導盲犬外的寵物入內。10.開瓶費收費標準:每瓶收取新台幣600元開瓶費(不提供換杯服務)或每人每款杯型收取新台幣100元/個洗杯費。11.用餐空間須知:欲指定樓層或桌型者,請務必於訂位時提前告知。A.一樓分為大廳與包廂,均為獨立空間,用餐桌型:長條方桌。B.二樓為獨立空間,用餐桌型:圓桌,化妝室位於1樓,基本消費新台幣16,000元。C.三樓為獨立空間,用餐桌型:圓桌,有化妝室,基本消費新台幣20,000元。化妝室位於餐廳一樓,無電梯,如有孕婦、孩童、老人等,上下樓梯,請特別留意出入安全。週二~週五平日中午用餐時段,特別推出小資餐?五人小資餐:每套新台幣3,995元,2-5人可使用此套餐。以上小資餐可享『和牛黃金包』內用加購優惠價每個新台幣99元,需提前1日預訂。六人用餐人數以上恕不適用上述方案,僅限選擇私廚套餐。註:2024年8月1日起,我們提供新台菜無菜單料理,以人頭計費(用餐人數至少需有6位),更新4種餐費選擇,分別為新台幣1200元、1800元、2500元、3500元,不再另計10%服務費,尚無提供刷卡服務與素食菜品。1200元套餐,僅限平日中午供應。系統僅接受45天內預約訂位敬請知悉,謝謝
) [春韭IG](
Awarded with one Michelin star and the first to receive the newly introduced Michelin Sommelier Award in 2022, Paris 1930 de Hideki Takayama has been the pioneer of fine dining French cuisine in Taiwan. All team members are dedicated to entice guests by engaging all five senses for incredible dining experiences.The restaurant’s culinary director, Hideki Takayama, has twice won the Asia-Pacific champion of the Bocuse d’Or, known as the “Culinary Olympics”, and achieved fifth place in the world during 2015. Hideki Takayama incorporates Taiwanese tea by understanding all its characteristics into all his creations, awaiting to be discovered by discerning guests.In addition to the Michelin star accolade, the restaurant is honored for being recognized with Michelin Sommelier Award and the Best Wine List in 2022. Paris 1930 de Hideki Takaya has been the first restaurant in Taiwan to provide exquisite sommelier service along with its comprehensive wine list from five major wineries in France, Europe, and New World production areas. Sake is also seen in the food and wine pairing. Matching food with the perfect wine reflects our hospitality and professionalism.Hideki Takayama, who grew up in the countryside of Fukuoka, provides authentic "cohesion" and "sharing" of cooking, which synchronizes with his restaurant Entre Nous in Kobe. His sincere hospitality, and satisfaction depicts the happiness on the corners of his mouth. With a smiling face, he uses the purest ingredients and rich Taiwanese tea products to connect the taste bud spectrum for all his dishes.With professional and elegant service, we always strive to create an impeccable dining experience for every guest – creating lasting moments that will always be cherished forever.Looking forward to your culinary sensory journey with us.◎《2024 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taiwan》 and Sommelier Award.◎《2024 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.*For any dietary requirements, please indicate in “Other Remarks” – our Team will contact you for assistance. Reservations are limited - please note that dietary restrictions will not be accommodated.
OpenTable でレストランを見つけましょう
- Shulin District
- Shenkeng District
- Xinyi District
- Shilin District
- Xinzhuang District
- Tucheng District
- Linkou District
- Bali District
- Tamsui District
- Wenshan District
- Nangang District
- Banqiao District
- Xizhi District
- Zhonghe District
- Qidu District
- Wanhua District
- Da'an District
- Wugu District
- Yingge District
- Ren'ai District