Manor Houseのベストフランス料理レストラン
隣にあるBalthazar Boulangerieでは職人による手作りのパン、種類豊富な自家製ペストリー、持ち帰り用のサラダやサンドイッチを終日提供しています。
"Boasting an intimate dining experience, Salut! is a Modern European restaurant in Islington that offers casual yet fine dining food and a relaxed atmosphere. Watch your dish being prepared in the open kitchen, from the warm and comfortable dining room with wooden tables and vintage furnishings. A short walk from Dalston Junction and Highbury & Islington station, Salut! offers a relaxed take on modern-European food. Savour dishes with an emphasis on local produce as well as sustainably sourced fish and organic vegetables. We provide our guests with beautifully crafted dishes, with a passion to share our curiosity and love of modern European food. On offer is a seasonal a la carte menu, lunch menu, artisanal wine list, and private hire."
“A stones throw away from Dalston Kingsland Station you will find The Dalston Jazz Bar. It’s a full on restaurant up until 10 PM. They serve an array of fresh seafood as well as yummy beer from a local brewery and cocktails. The live band plays throughout the night with a few breaks. After 10 PM they clear all tables and chairs to create a dance floor and this place then really starts to rock! We don't do vegan or vegetarian food. We specialize in fish. Tuesdays are our LGBTQ night, but everyone is welcome. Tuesdays will now feature live jazz bands."
Clos Maggioreはコヴェント・ ガーデンの中心部にある静かなオアシスです。プロヴァンスやトスカーナのスタイリッシュなカントリーインをイメージしたユニークな内装が施された、温かく親しみやすい雰囲気のレストランで、ビジネスや貸切パーティー利用にも最適です。コンサバトリーを利用した明るく広々としたダイニングエリア(格納式のガラス屋根付)が最も美しくなる季節は春〜夏で、冬季は暖炉、夜間のキャンドルライト&星の灯りを楽しめます。Marcellin Marc料理長(地元の旬の食材を使用したバランスの良いメニューで2008年以来AAロゼット賞3度受賞)によるモダンで素晴らしいプロバンス風料理を提供しています。Clos Maggioreは、2,000種以上の銘柄(今年初旬に低〜中価格ワイン400種追加)を取り揃える広いワインセラーを併設し、2003年以来Wine Spectator誌の「ベスト・オブ・アワード・オブ・エクセレンス」を毎回受賞しています。
Having spent years supplying London’s top restaurants through their separate wine businesses, Joe Haynes and Benedict Butterworth have joined forces with Tom Hurst, who has worked at Brawn, The Marksman, Levan, and most recently as Head Chef at Lasdun, to launch the trio’s first restaurant together.Located in a Grade II listed building on Cloth Fair, Cloth Restaurant is part of a historic row of buildings in the City of London that survived the Great Fire of 1666. Down this atmospheric alley opposite St Bartholomew church, Cloth is taking over a double fronted corner site that’s beneath the former home of poet John Betjeman and next door to the two oldest residential buildings in London. Inside, low ceilings, wood floorboards with antique wall lights and artwork create a cosy, intimate atmosphere, while marble tables, long dark wood banquettes, antique crockery and cutlery will create the feel of a classic bistro.
活況の1920年代の黄金時代を思い出させるSavoy Grill(サヴォイ・グリル)は、英国料理にフランス風のアレンジを加えた素晴らしいメニューを提供しています。豪華なアールデコ調の内装は料理と調和しており、スタイルと実態のバランスのとれたレストランです。きらびやかなドアを通り抜け、世界で最も有名な人々がSavoy Grill(サヴォイ・グリル)に来店しています。まさに「グルメの魅力」の定義となるレストランです。
The Restaurant at NoMad London is set inside a soaring three-storey atrium evocative of a lush Edwardian greenhouse. Our menu is eclectic with a focus on local and regional bounty from farm, field and coast, offering dishes to comfort the spirit and moments of decadence and whimsy for nights to remember. An extensive wine list curated by Wine Director Alessia Ferrarello and a drinks programme created by Bar Director Liana Oster and the celebrated NoMad Bar team complement the menu and are a destination unto themselves.Please note that we are a cashless restaurant.* Please note that from April 7th until May 9th, NoMad Restaurant will temporarily close as it undergoes refurbishment. The Library and Side Hustle will remain open, with Side Hustle welcoming an earlier opening time of 12PM. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
Step into 1st floor RAILS Restaurant for a buzzy and relaxed dining experience. Expect a great modern British-French grill with succulent meat, fish and vegetable dishes served with sauces and sides, and the best moments from a Parisian brasserie menu, not to mention interiors.Frenchie cocktails and digestifs top off the occasion from the adjoining Little Bar, wrapped in William Morris wallpaper dressed in eclectic art. In addition, GNH Bar and Terrace, a bustling and welcoming space, blending British heritage with world influences welcomes you downstairs on the street level. The GNH Bar is open every day from 9am to 11pm.