Colliers Woodのベストシーフードレストラン
Oy Bar is a restaurant and bar that embraces simplicity and the joy of sharing food. Our menu highlights local suppliers and fresh produce, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy, especially with a glass or two of wine. If you haven't tried oysters before, we invite you to do so with us. Our goal is to make oysters accessible for everyone—no expensive options or white tablecloths here! Oysters have been enjoyed by humans since the Neolithic period, making them one of our earliest foods, and we hope you will enjoy them too. We have a passion for wine and have curated a wine list that is easy to understand, yet offers a diverse selection from around the world, all at three simple price points. We look forward to welcoming you to Oy Bar, where you can enjoy the simple pleasures of eating and drinking with us.
Oy Bar is a restaurant and bar that embraces simplicity and the joy of sharing food. Our menu highlights local suppliers and fresh produce, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy, especially with a glass or two of wine.If you haven't tried oysters before, we invite you to do so with us. Our goal is to make oysters accessible for everyone—no expensive options or white tablecloths here! Oysters have been enjoyed by humans since the Neolithic period, making them one of our earliest foods, and we hope you will enjoy them too.We have a passion for wine and have curated a wine list that is easy to understand, yet offers a diverse selection from around the world, all at three simple price points.We look forward to welcoming you to Oy Bar, where you can enjoy the simple pleasures of eating and drinking with us.
Welcome to Shrimp Shack Streatham, we look forward to serving you. We are dedicated to celebrating the best in Seafood with traditional South African spices, working with suppliers from all around the country to create our signature Seafood dishes– made with the best quality produce. All our kitchen products are Halal Certified and all the drinks are alcohol free and that’s where our values stand with the exceptional flavourful food.
Following the huge success of Fish! restaurant in Borough Market, Tony Allan developed his Fish! concept further to create Fish! Kitchen in Kingston upon Thames. Encompassing the Fish! brand ethos and offering the highest quality fresh fish, simply cooked and at a fair price, it opened to great reviews and have fast become a local favourite renowned for both our traditional fish and chips as well as our grilled fish. Located in peaceful Kingston on Coombe Rd, Fish! Kitchen undoubtedly serves the best fish and hand cut chips in South West London. Popular with lunchtime crowds, this restaurant caters for adults and children alike. The kids can choose from a kiddie menu and leave the adults in peace as they scribble all over the paper place mats with crayons supplied by the restaurant. Favourites include classic prawn cocktail to start and the swordfish club sandwich, a modern twist on the traditional.
Lusitania is located in south London, near the fashionable Thames side development area of Vauxhall and Battersea.We offer authentic Portuguese & Mediterranean cuisine with an original, contemporary touch and an outstanding level of service. Furthermore, our team expertise in event planning will enhance all your corporate events and private functions. Our wine list offers some of the finest Portuguese wines to complement perfectly our menu.We offer a pleasant, cosy atmosphere with a wide indoor space that extends to an outdoor comfortable terraced beer garden.The embodiment of refinement, Lusitania thrives to create the ultimate Portuguese dining experience in London.
ミッドセンチュリーの魅力と印象的なアート作品が融合したSexy Fishはバークレースクエアに位置し、200名まで収容可能なレストラン、ダイニングバー、オープンキッチンのカウンターを併設しています。アジアの海からインスピレーションを受けたメニューを正午から夜遅くまで年中無休で楽しめます。
Scott’sはメイフェアのマウント・ストリートにあるシーフードレストランで、最高級の牡蠣、魚介類&甲殻類のほか、季節 の狩猟肉、肉料理、ベジタリアン料理も提供しています。環境に配慮された場所で採れる魚介類を使用しています。
2011年にTime Outの「ベスト・ニュー・レストラン賞」を受賞したHawksmoor Seven Dialsは、2010年のオープン以来、ファンや評論家の間で話題になっています。レストランは静かな通りにある古いWatney-Combe醸造所の中に位置し、建物にはオリジナルの特徴がいくつか残っています。
142席ある店内では、シンプルな炭火焼きのボリュームのあるステーキを提供しています。英国の伝統品種の牛肉は、受賞歴のある精肉店The Ginger Pigから仕入れています。
ロンドンのシアターランドの中心部に位置するHawksmoor Seven Dialsは、観劇の前と後の簡単なメニューも用意しています。バーではカジュアルなハンバーガーやホットドッグのほか、ロンドンで最もおいしい新旧のカクテルを楽しめます。
1896年、魚介類売り場の経営者ジョセフ・シーキーはセント・マーチンズ コートに初めてオイスターバーを開きました。レストランは1998年にかつての栄光ある姿に改装され、20世紀の俳優の生写真が飾られた4室のコネクティングルームが、演劇業界でレストランが果たす中心的な役割を物語っています。非の打ち所のない素材を完璧に調理したシーフードを求め、役者と観客の両方が当店を訪れます。