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ババ・ガンプ・シュリンプ 豊洲店の写真
• Southern american • 豊洲・晴海
"映画「フォレスト・ガンプ」のシーンが取り入れられた店内に1歩踏み入れば、あなたもキャストの一員になった気分。映画を観た方にはたまらないインテリアと演出が盛りだくさん。もちろん観ていない方も、美味しい料理とともに楽しい時間が過ごせます。まさにレストランそのものがエンターテイメント!""Just one step into the restaurant filled with scenes out of the movie, you will definitely feel like a part of the cast!Those of you who have seen the movie will have recollection of scenes through our interior design and performances, and those of you who haven't can also enjoy our delicious food and delightful service!The restaurant itself is the ultimate entertainment!"
ハードロックカフェ 東京の写真
• Southern american • 六本木
ミュージシャンの使用した衣装やギターを飾った店内で、ノンストップで流れるミュージックを聴きながら、手作りにこだわったアメリカ料理と革新的なカクテルが楽しめるレストランです。 併設するロックショップでは、ハードロックカフェのロゴマークと各店舗の都市名をデザインしたオリジナルグッズを販売しています。In 1971, the original Hard Rock Cafe was established in London. Well known for its “Love All, Serve All” policy and “All Is One” mentality, this restaurant that stated pure soul was the appearance of the theme restaurant that carried out as a momentum of weakening class society of Europe. From interior, logo, food, service, and even staff uniform was filled to the charm, which smashed the common sense of the very conventional restaurant, and it held the fans captive from across the world. As in other countries, the Hard Rock Cafes in Japan allow you to enjoy American home-style cooking while Rock & Roll fills the restaurant all around you. In addition, Memorabilia such as guitars, outfits, gold disks, and autographed posters from famous musicians decorate the walls. The LOGO T-shirt with a city name sold only to the person who visited the store of the city became a well renowned hot-selling product. “People” magazine raved about the Hard Rock Cafe as the “Smithsonian of Rock & Roll.”
ババ・ガンプ・シュリンプ 東京店の写真
• Southern american • 後楽園・本郷
"映画「フォレスト・ガンプ」のシーンが取り入れられた店内に1歩踏み入れば、あなたもキャストの一員になった気分。映画を観た方にはたまらないインテリアと演出が盛りだくさん。もちろん観ていない方も、美味しい料理とともに楽しい時間が過ごせます。まさにレストランそのものがエンターテイメント!""Just one step into the restaurant filled with scenes out of the movie, you will definitely feel like a part of the cast!Those of you who have seen the movie will have recollection of scenes through our interior design and performances, and those of you who haven't can also enjoy our delicious food and delightful service!The restaurant itself is the ultimate entertainment!"
ハードロックカフェ 上野駅東京店の写真
• Southern american • 上野・御徒町
ミュージシャンの使用した衣装やギターを飾った店内で、ノンストップで流れるミュージックを聴きながら、手作りにこだわったアメリカ料理と革新的なカクテルが楽しめるレストランです。 併設するロックショップでは、ハードロックカフェのロゴマークと各店舗の都市名をデザインしたオリジナルグッズを販売しています。In 1971, the original Hard Rock Cafe was established in London. Well known for its “Love All, Serve All” policy and “All Is One” mentality, this restaurant that stated pure soul was the appearance of the theme restaurant that carried out as a momentum of weakening class society of Europe. From interior, logo, food, service, and even staff uniform was filled to the charm, which smashed the common sense of the very conventional restaurant, and it held the fans captive from across the world. As in other countries, the Hard Rock Cafes in Japan allow you to enjoy American home-style cooking while Rock & Roll fills the restaurant all around you. In addition, Memorabilia such as guitars, outfits, gold disks, and autographed posters from famous musicians decorate the walls. The LOGO T-shirt with a city name sold only to the person who visited the store of the city became a well renowned hot-selling product. “People” magazine raved about the Hard Rock Cafe as the “Smithsonian of Rock & Roll.”
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