Hotel Restaurant Menge gives its guests the opportunity to submerse themselves in a sensational culinary experience. Make arrangements to stay at the hotel for a special package where you'll be guided through the area of Arnsburg. You will be able to experience the inspiration behind the dishes and philosophy of Hotel Restaurant Menge for yourself.
Hotel Restaurant Menge works with local partners to gather products and ingredients. The restaurant is committed to using only sustainable, local and organic products. Many of the ingredients in the dishes are grown right at the restaurant.
Unser Lichtdurchflutetes Gartenzimmer bietet als eleganter Bankettraum den passenden Rahmen für Familienfeiern und festliche Anlässe mit bis zu 50 Personen.
Oder lieber mal was anderes? Feiern Sie in unserem kompletten Restaurant bei ungezwungener Atmosphäre und schauen Sie beim Küchenspaziergang direkt in die Kochtöpfe.