West End Ice Rink付近のお店
Soft OpeningThe Sequel is more than just a restaurant – it’s a continuation of a cherished story, crafted with passion and rooted in the same values that made The Story Café – Eatery & Bar an unforgettable destination.Nestled in the vibrant Coal Harbour neighborhood of Downtown Vancouver, The Sequel offers an elevated dining experience that blends culinary artistry, sophisticated ambiance, and heartfelt hospitality. From housemade dishes crafted with fresh, locally sourced ingredients to expertly curated drinks, every element is designed to delight your senses and create lasting memories.At The Sequel, whether you're joining us for a lively gathering with friends, an intimate dinner, or simply to unwind with a crafted cocktail, our goal is to make every visit an experience worth savoring.Much like its predecessor, The Sequel is built on stories – stories of laughter, connection, and unforgettable flavors. We look forward to welcoming you to the next chapter.
Guu with Garlic, also called Guu Robson is all about “Garlic is Sexy”. Sexy is not just about the outside, but it’s the fundamental attitude reflecting energy.
Garlic is good, makes you healthy and beautiful! Enjoy the classic Izakaya dishes with a garlic punch.
We keep seats for walk-in customers as well. No available seats on OpenTable does not mean we are fully booked. Please be aware that the time limited per table is two hours during peak hours.
Welcome to Jingle Bao! We are a consortium of seasoned restaurant professionals who are passionate about getting the right experience for the food we crave.We have a common purpose – We would like the world to share the great experience of pork bun, a simple pleasure that is enjoyed for few thousand years beyond anyone’s imagination. Selinna Liu– CEO JINGLE BAOA kind of food that has been adopted by different cultures, like burgers … but we want to bring to the world the great simple pleasure of an authentic pork bun so more people is touched by this amazing invention.From the fresh ingredients wrapped by the warmth of a skillful hand that transforms it into a bun, we hope this small bun will inspire consumers to be satisfied with just a small bite into the juicy flavourful fresh bun we serve.
Joe Fortesは1985年以来、クラシックなアメリカ料理を専門とするレストランです。世紀末のインスピレーションを得たダイニングルームには高さ9mの天井があり、新しい緑色の屋上パティオを含む6つのユニークなダイニング施設を併設しています。エグゼクティブシェフのWayne Sychは、天然の風味を大切にした各皿を用意し、太平洋岸北西部の農家、漁師、食べ物の職人から届いた最高級の食材を提供しています。毎日、50種類を越える新鮮な魚、高級な牡蠣、分厚いチョップなどのを提供しています。Joeの代表的な料理は、地元の客、セレブや観光客にも人気です。Joeはバンクーバーで最高のオイスターバーとして知られており、北米でも有数の牡蛎の専門店です。受賞歴のあるワインリストには、ブリティッシュコロンビア、カリフォルニア、太平洋岸北西部、世界中の著名なワイン産地から集めた400種類を越えるワインを揃えています。ピアノの生演奏が毎晩開催されるバー、屋上ガーデンででは美味しいカクテルを楽しめます。
お祝いに集まる活気ある場所として、またはカップルの2人だけの親密なダイニングの場としてもORUは理想的で、太平洋岸北西部料理や環太平洋地域の風味の料理を楽しめます。大理石とステンレススチールを用いたオープンコンセプトのキッチンは、革新的で才能豊かなシェフが素晴らしい料理をつくるステージとなっています。ダイナミックで情熱的なORUのスタッフが料理の旅にご案内します。地元料理を環太平洋地域風にアレンジした様々な料理を、シンプルかつ巧みに調理して提供しています。到着の際は、新しく改装されたSky Bar – Coal Harbour’s Living Roomで歓迎いたします。ここで食前のカクテルで夜をスタートさせることができます。またここに留まって、くつろぎながら、下のロビーラウンジからの活気あるサウンドを楽しむこともできます。
地元で とれた食材とビストロのクールな雰囲気が調和します。
地域に根ざしたバービストロで、 伝統的なフランスのビストロ料理に新しいアレンジを加えています。
For over four decades, Le Crocodile has been a cornerstone of culinary excellence in the heart of Vancouver. As the torch passes from one generation to the next, we embark on an exciting new chapter under the guidance of our visionary chef, Rob Feenie.Step into our newly redesigned space, where warmth and nostalgia blend seamlessly with contemporary flair. The ambiance exudes the timeless elegance of Art Deco, creating an inviting atmosphere that feels both familiar and exhilaratingly new.At Le Crocodile by Rob Feenie, we are committed to preserving the essence of the dining experience you have grown to love while embracing the evolution of taste and style. Join us as we continue to write the next chapter of our storied history, one unforgettable meal at a time.For groups of 6 and more please email us at info@lecrocodilerestaurant.com
カナダ屈指の料理の巨匠の夢を実現させたHawksworth Restaurantは、バンクーバーのダウンタウン中心部にある伝説的なRosewood Hotel Georgia内に位置し、過去と輝かしい未来を織り交ぜたコンセプトのレストランです。モダン・カナダ料理を中心に、都市の多様性や文化を取り入れ、地域の食材をベースにした伝統的な料理を提供しています。
Mott 32 represents modern Hong Kong as well as a new chapter of Chinese dining. Named after the famed convenience store at 32 Mott Street in New York, the restaurant embodies the Chinese culture and philosophy that has been shaped from generation-to-generation. Mott 32 meticulously sources the finest ingredients, allowing the authentic flavours to shine with delicacies derived from Cantonese, Szechuan, and Beijing Cuisine. Mott 32 has been awarded "Best New Restaurant", "Best Fine Dining Restaurant", & "Best Restaurant Wine List".
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