Juming Museum付近のお店
When we say that we offer "The Best Steak...Anywhere," we mean it!Morton's has grown to over 74 restaurants, but the vision is the same today as it was when we opened our first restaurant in Chicago in 1978. Quality. Consistency. Genuine Hospitality.
?最新消息??因特約停車場收費規範變更,即日起餐飲消費不折抵停車費,造成您的不便敬請見諒。?訂位日期開放時間:30天前開放預訂,系統自行排位恕不提供座位指定,席次有限請提前預訂。?進入漁人廚房務必配合取餐時不交談。⚠預訂席位未取消,造成系統判讀NO SHOW達三次,將鎖定限制預訂權限(無法解除),請各位貴賓如行程異動或變更不克前來,務必取消訂位確保彼此權益。___________ ____________________北海岸超值吃到飽,只要?530元!就在野柳薆悅酒店!!薆悅酒店野柳渡假館-漁人廚房營業資訊午餐:12:00-14:00 (最後進場時間13:30)晚餐:17:00-18:30/19:00-20:30(最後進場時間:20:00)(18:30-19:00為準備時間不供餐)最新鮮的在地料理,菜單全新設計『主打在地食材、支持小農』依照季節時令提供新鮮食材,低卡,低鹽,最鮮的好味道。_______________________________??♀️??♂️??♀️??♀️??♀️?️♀️?⚕️?⚕️???漁人廚房專線:(02)7703-5700 |用餐時間為90分鐘✅平日 成人530+10% 、孩童350+10%✅假日 成人660+10% 、孩童380+10%優惠身分請於用餐時出示可證明本人年齡之有效證件,無提供相關憑證恕無法享有優惠。
[ブラッセリー]? 予約の座席は10分間保留され、時間を過ぎると予約がキャンセルされますので、予めご了承ください。? 予約人数にはお子様も含めてください。これにより快適な食事が確保されます。? 身長100センチ未満の幼児は無料です;身長100センチ以上130センチ未満のお子様は当日の料金の半額です。? 指定のテーブル番号や個室はオンライン予約の対象外ですので、レストランのスタッフにご相談ください。? 同一団体で異なる名前でオンライン予約をされた場合、テーブルを隣同士にすることはできませんのでご了承ください。? 国定連続休暇や特別な祝祭日の料金や営業時間については、現地の掲示に従ってください。? 持ち込みの飲料のサービス料:ワイン1本につきNT$500、スピリッツ(蒸留酒)1本につきNT$1,000です。? 割引は併用できません。? 食事券を使用する場合、その使用規則や料金は券面の説明に従ってください。? 特別な祝祭日や国定休暇、および個室については提携クレジットカードの割引や割引券は適用されません。朝食時間帯(月曜日から日曜日)6:30~10:00 お一人様NT$880+10%★ 平日の食事時間帯ランチ(月曜日から金曜日) 11:30~14:00 お一人様NT$1580+10%アフタヌーンティー(月曜日から金曜日) 14:30~16:30 お一人様NT$1080+10%ディナー(月曜日から木曜日) 17:30~21:30 お一人様NT$1680+10%★ 休日の食事時間帯金曜日のディナー 17:30~21:30 お一人様NT$1980+10%休日ランチ 11:30~14:00 お一人様NT$1980+10%休日アフタヌーンティー 14:30~16:30 お一人様NT$1280+10%休日ディナー 17:30~21:30 お一人様NT$1980+10%● 2024年の特別な祝祭日元旦(2024/1/1)、旧正月(2/8-2/14)、平和記念日(2/28)、清明節(4/4-4/7)、労働節(5/1)、母の日(5/11-5/12)、端午の節句(6/8-6/10)、父の日(8/8)、七夕(8/10)、中秋節(9/17)、国慶節(10/10)、クリスマス(12/24-12/25)、年越し(12/31)
DIMSUM KITCHENBUFFET HOURS/PRICE(per head)Monday-FridayLUNCH 11:30-14:00 $660DINNER 17:30-21:00 $660Saturday, Sunday & HolidayLUNCH 11:00-15:00 $720DINNER 17:00-21:00 $720Kids Special DiscountFREE OF CHARGE(Height under 100cm)HALF PRICE(Height100~140cm)10% service fee is not included. We have 120 minutes limits.RESERVATION POLICIES》All reservations will be secured for 10 minutes from the original reservation time.》Tables more than 5 people are allocated on the day by the restaurant team and next table maybe be applied. We will do everything we can to allocate a table in your preferred area but cannot guarantee this.》There is a half-price charge for kids 100-140cm. Please indicate on your reservation about” the amount of adults/kids “so we can do the best arrangement for you.》Reservations are available online up to 30 days in advance. 》We accept online reservation up to 10 people. For Group size larger than 10 / Private events, please contact us via phone-call for further details.》We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
訂位須知:1.用餐時間2小時,7-8人以上2.5小時(臨時加人數需依照現場而訂);訂位保留10分鐘,逾時將自動取消座位。2.若有當月壽星,請在訂位(備註欄)註記或提前告知餐廳。3.如有10人以上大組訂位或是臨時增加訂位人數,請與餐廳電話聯繫。4.本餐廳禁止攜帶寵物及外食(視障導盲犬)(生日蛋糕、嬰兒食用需求)除外。5.餐廳酌收10%服務費,若自帶酒類將酌收開瓶費:$300元(只酌收一次/桌)大組訂位訂金收取須知:1.桌(人)數較多時會酌收訂金,當日用餐可直接抵扣或退還現金更換信用卡結帳2.取消訂位,訂金退還說明:含訂位日起算20-29天內取消訂位,訂金全額退款;距離訂位日剩下10-19天取消,退定金50%;距離訂位日剩下9天取消或沒告知取消,則不能要求返還訂金。 3.訂金金額依照訂位桌(人)數收取費用3000元以上不等。付款方式:現金、信用卡:Visa、Master、American Express、第三方支付:Apple Pay
TIEN HSIANG LOTaste delicacies from West Lake, enjoy the elegant style of the Song Dynasty. Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once praised “the prosperity of the world banquet is not as good as Hangzhou”!Hangzhou is known as the “Land of much fish and rice, the home of silk, and the state of culture”. It was the capital city of the Southern Song.Dynasty, during which the booming humanities and gourmet cultures were at their peak in what was called the Chinese Renaissance. The gathering of scholars and literati has made Hangzhou cuisine the representative of Chinese fine food culture.Tien Hsiang Lo of the Landis Taipei Hotel is derived from Tien Hsiang Lo in Hong Kong, which originally came from Hangzhou. It adheres to the authentic taste of Hangzhou’s traditional dishes, while following the essential cuisine culture of Hangzhou, presenting the diversity ofHangzhou cuisine. Combined with an interior design that reflects the ten scenic spots of West Lake, poetry that praises the local cuisine and feast, it portrays the aesthetics of the space and the profound humanistic feelings of the delicate Hangzhou cuisine. Then extension of the four arts from Song Dynasty - tea, flower arranging, painting, and incense, fill every corner of the space with the ultimate taste of life that people in the Song Dynasty admired.“Reflecting West Lake, showing the charm of the Song Dynasty”, Tien Hsiang Lo invites you to enjoy the charming beauty of Hangzhou cuisine.◎《2024 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taiwan》◎《2024 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.*Certain dishes from our à la carte require preorder - refer to our menu to understand specific number of days for preparation. Please contact restaurant or specify in NOTE box about reserving menu items.
【訂位須知】• 萬客什鍋 八德店線上訂位開放即日起7日內的訂位,於每日凌晨24點,轉跳次日時,開放新一天的訂位日期• 訂位系統顯示灰色狀態代表訂位組數已客滿,建議直接來現場登記候位。• 訂位無保留時間,請貴賓準時蒞臨。超過預約時間座位將安排給現場的候位客。• inline系統為萬客什鍋 八德店訂位的唯一管道,不接受經由Facebook、Instagram私訊或留言訂位。• 有提供團體訂位/包場訂位之服務,如果有需要請致電至門市做詢問• 因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。【候位須知】• 現場候位:每天中午11:00開始開放登記取票,位置以現場狀況為主,依序喊號過號重新抽立、不會電話通知。若訂位系統呈現灰色狀態代表已客滿,歡迎直接來現場詢問登記候位【訂位變更】• 餐廳空間有限,恕無法臨時加位,感謝您的配合。【用餐小叮嚀】• 請勿攜帶外食及飲料。 • 寵物可攜帶進場,但須請將寵物放在推車/寵物籃中,並蓋住頭部,避免寵物跳出來造成危險。
*Business Hours* Sunday-Thursday | Friday-Saturday 17:00~00:00 | 17:00~01:00 Last seating at 22:00 | Last seating at 23:00 Last order at 23:00 | Last order at 24:00 ?Dining time is 90 minutes, starting from the reservation time. Seats will be held for 15 minutes; if we are unable to reach you after this time, the reservation will be considered canceled, and the deposit will be forfeited. *Reservation Policy* 1. Bar seating reservations open 30 days in advance, while private rooms open 60 days in advance. Reservations are open at 2pm. 2. A deposit of NT$1,000 per person is required for reservations, and the reservation will be confirmed only after payment is completed within the specified time frame. 3. The minimum spend per person is NT$3,000, and for children, it is NT$1,500 (regardless of age, as long as they occupy a seat). ?For groups of 7 or more, the minimum spend per person is NT$4,000.? The minimum spend does not include beverages or service fees.4. Corkage fee: You can bring one bottle of your own for each bottle purchased at the restaurant. NT$800 for each 720ml bottle and NT$1,600 for each 1.8L bottle. (Charges are based on size, not type of alcohol.)*Seating Arrangements* We are a bar-style yakiniku restaurant with a 6-person table and two private rooms for 8 people. *6-Person Table Reservation* (Open Seating) Deposit: NT$6,000, Minimum spend: NT$24,000 (Beverages and service fees not included) Dining time is 2 hours.*8-Person Private Room Reservation* (Two rooms available) Deposit: NT$8,000, Minimum spend: NT$40,000 Water service fee: NT$960 (Beverages and service fees not included) Available time slots: 17:00-19:00 19:30-21:30 Dining time is 2 hours.*12-Person Large Private Room Reservation* Deposit: NT$12,000, Minimum spend: NT$90,000 Water service fee: NT$1,440 (Beverages and service fees not included) No time limit for dining.※Once the private room deposit is paid, rescheduling or cancellation is not allowed.※⚠⚠For larger groups or exclusive bookings, please message us on Facebook or call 02-2711-0179.⚠⚠ ?Canceling a Reservation? Same-day changes to reservations are not allowed. To cancel a reservation, please contact us at least 3 days before the reservation date (not including the reservation day) for a full refund of the deposit. If canceled within 3 days, only half of the deposit will be refunded. No refund for cancellations on the day of the reservation.For example: If the reservation is for 12/10 Cancel before 12/6 for a 100% refund of the deposit. Cancel between 12/7 and 12/9 for a 50% refund. No refund if canceled on 12/10.Da-Wan reserves the right to cancel or change reservations in case of unavoidable circumstances♦You are welcome to bring your own cake, and we can assist with birthday celebrations after the meal.♦ ⛔Please read and agree to the above policies before completing your reservation
Reservation Terms:※No discounts can be used from Friday, 02/14. ※Business hours for dinner on Friday, 02/14 will be adjusted as follows:Dinner 1st Section: 5:00 PM ~ 7:30 PM Dinner 2nd Section: 8:00 PM ~ 10:30 PM (last order at 09:30 PM)※On 02/14, only the Valentine's DAY set menu will be available for dinner. The minimum spend per person is One special set menu order. A deposit of NT$500 per person is required.※For reservations on 02/14, the deposit must be paid by 11:59 PM on the day the reservation is made.※For dining dates from 02/14, cancellations made within 3 days of the reservation will result in forfeiture of the deposit. Cancellations made 4 days prior to the reservation will result in a full refund of the deposit.Ex: Cancel by 11:59 PM on 02/11 (Tuesday) for an 02/14 (Friday) reservation to receive a full refund of the deposit.# Reservation Notes**1. Online reservations are available for up to 6 people. For bookings exceeding 6 people or for private rooms, please call our reservation line at 02-2729-8555.****2. We do not accept seat assignments. Please inform us by phone if you have special needs (such as mobility issues, wheelchair access, etc.).****3. For celebrations and wedding anniversaries, please indicate your purpose during the reservation. We will provide a celebratory mini-cake and offer on-site photography and singing to celebrate.****4. After making a reservation, you will receive a Line or SMS notification. If you need to cancel your reservation, simply click the cancellation link in the message.****5. Reservations will be held for 15 minutes.****6. A corkage fee will be charged for bringing your own beverages: NT$1,500 per bottle (750ml or less) for wine and NT$2,000 per bottle (750ml or less) for spirits.****7. Dining with us allows you to offset parking fees at Breeze Center Parking Lot: NT$1,000 consumption equals 1 hour parking deduction, up to 5 hours per day.****8. For self-pickup orders, please contact the following:** - [Online Ordering](https://iwhispering.com/pt_module2/public/meals2/1656819204/home?outside=1)
OpenTable でレストランを見つけましょう
- Lin Ben Yuan Family Mansion and Garden
- Daan Forest Park
- Qingan Temple
- Taipei metro - Xingtian Temple Station
- Eslite Spectrum Nanxi
- Taipei metro - Huzhou Station
- Jiufen Scenic Area
- Taipei metro - Technology Building Station
- National Palace Museum
- Shifen Waterfall
- Shanjia Railway Station
- Tamsui Old Street
- Guandu Temple
- Far Eastern Xinyi A13
- Taipei metro - Zhongshan Station
- Yehliu Geopark
- Taipei metro - Nanjing Fuxing Station
- Bali Zou-an
- National Taiwan Science Education Center
- Eslite Spectrum Wuchang Store