Seaside Guest House Plumeria付近のお店
- ~4,999円
- 5,000〜9,999円
- 10,000円~
横浜中華街に本格中華料理の店『揚州飯店』が誕生して半世紀以上!常に変わることなく鮮度の高い食材を用い本場熟練の技・中華の匠が心を込めて至福のひとときをお届けします。厨房には水槽を設置し、季節の旬な魚介類をご提供いたしております。お食事会や接待など、大切なご友人やお客様と素敵な時間を過ごせる個室もご用意。100名様以上のご宴会も対応可能です。目的や人数に合わせてご利用くださいませ。More than half a century has passed since the "Yangzhou Hotel" was born in Yokohama Chinatown.You can enjoy a happy moment with cooking using fresh ingredients made by Chinese authentic chefs.We set up aquarium in the kitchen, we offer fresh seafood in season.We also have a private room where you can spend a wonderful time, such as dinner party with important friends and entertainment with customers.A total of 280 seats from the 1st floor free table to the 5th floor Western style room.Banquets for more than 100 people can also be accommodated.
自由が丘の路地裏に佇むTRATTORIA。オーナーシェフ三浦の考え尽くしたシンプルかつ豪快なイタリア料理と愛情をかけて作るパスタ、それに寄り添う厳選されたイタリアワインをお楽しみください。Cibo is an Italian word for “food.” The menu makes maximum use of the true, honest flavor of excellent ingredients, including fresh seafood delivered every morning from the Odawara market; ingredients in season; and organic vegetables from contract farmers, carefully selected for quality based on repeated farm visits. The dishes are simple, made from delicious seasonal ingredients regardless of brand. Some 100 wines are available at reasonable prices. The staff put great effort into matching meals with the right wines and wines with the right dishes.
本格的な日本料理と最上級の空間で心安らぐ贅沢なひとときをザ・プリンス さくらタワー東京3Fに位置する「なだ万 高輪プライム」。本格的な日本料理と最上級の空間をご提供いたします。心安らぐ贅沢なひとと きをお楽しみください。*在庫がない場合でもお席がご用意できる場合がございます。お電話で店舗へ直接お問い合わせください。#なだ万 #Nadaman
肉の石川プロデュース 「肉屋料理 Mr.BUTCHER」肉屋の原点に戻り、ステーキやハンバーグはもちろんのこと、鮮度・価格・種類にこだわった肉屋にしかできない、どこにもないメニューを取り揃えております。鉄板カウンターやドッグインテラスなどのお席をご用意しており、様々なシーンでご利用いただけます。落ち着いた空間で心地よい時間を過ごしていただけるよう、スタッフ一同日々精進しお客様のご利用をお待ちしております。Food and hospitality for the customer.Kitchen Ishikawa, Steak and Italian.Top quality branded wagyu Japanese beef from around the country, and local Manazuru Peninsula seafood, and seasonal organic vegetables are used in creative dishes. The opulent and stylish restaurant has an open kitchen, a hotplate grill counter, a party room and a terrace making for a flexible venue ideal for a wide range of situations.Sit back and relax at Kitchen Ishikawa.
Yokohama Minato Mirai / Craft Beer Restaurant & Bar with BreweryThe brewery restaurant and bar, with a night view of the Minato Mirai area, offers a restaurant, dining room, bar, private dining room, and party rooms.The brewery restaurant has 220 seats, the largest of any brewery restaurant.The restaurant has 220 seats, one of the largest in the brewery restaurants.The menu includes a T-bone steak and craft beer roasted whole chicken for everyone to enjoy, as well as popular dishes such as three kinds of homemade sausages.We have a wide variety of dishes such as T-bone steak, roasted whole chicken with craft beer, and our popular three kinds of homemade sausages.We also offer a wide variety of beverages, including home-brewed beer, cocktails, wine, and whiskey.We are available for various occasions such as dinner with your loved ones, casual drinks, groups, and after-parties of weddings.Please stop by and spend a wonderful time with us.
12月24日、25日は、ランチ、ディナーともコース料理になります。ランチ¥5,500ディナー¥12,300。ようこそ、ボクのイタリアへ(Ben venuti nella mia Italia)店名の「バッボ」は、ボクの育ったフィレンツェを州都としたトスカーナの言葉で、「お父さん」のこと。 子供の頃、ボクのバッボは、本業の他に家で食べるだけの農園をやり、鶏や兎、羊も飼っていた。バッボの育てた野菜や家畜をマンマ(お母さん)が料理をして、家族で食卓を囲み、ボクは育った。夏になるとボクの家は、ひまわり畑に囲まれた。昔のイタリア映画に出てくるような光景。 約10年前にボクも父親になり、バッボやマンマの愛情を改めて感じるとともに、子供の頃の風景が蘇った。 店内は、ひまわり畑をイメージしたトスカーナ・イエロー。料理は、ボクのマンマが家族に作った味がベース。そして、イタリアから取り寄せた薪窯で焼くピッツァ。 来ていただいたゲストの方々に、ボクのイタリアを感じていただけたら、最高にハッピーだ。Growing up in Florence, Angelo, the owner of Babbo Angelo, is no stranger to farming vegetables and animals like chickens, rabbits and sheep. His mother often cooked home-style Italian meals by utilizing the fresh ingredients and meats at hand, emphasizing the importance of family enjoying food together at the dining table. He has used these childhood experiences to create Babbo Angelo, an Italian restaurant that serves many of the recipes his mother has used over the years. The menu at Babbo Angelo features set menu options that include a salad, pizza or pasta, dessert and coffee or tea. Appetizer options include marinated seasonal vegetables that are colorful and packed with flavor.
ミュージシャンの使用した衣装やギターを飾った店内で、ノンストップで流れるミュージックを聴きながら、手作りにこだわったアメリカ料理と革新的なカクテルが楽しめるレストランです。 併設するロックショップでは、ハードロックカフェのロゴマークと各店舗の都市名をデザインしたオリジナルグッズを販売しています。In 1971, the original Hard Rock Cafe was established in London. Well known for its “Love All, Serve All” policy and “All Is One” mentality, this restaurant that stated pure soul was the appearance of the theme restaurant that carried out as a momentum of weakening class society of Europe. From interior, logo, food, service, and even staff uniform was filled to the charm, which smashed the common sense of the very conventional restaurant, and it held the fans captive from across the world. As in other countries, the Hard Rock Cafes in Japan allow you to enjoy American home-style cooking while Rock & Roll fills the restaurant all around you. In addition, Memorabilia such as guitars, outfits, gold disks, and autographed posters from famous musicians decorate the walls. The LOGO T-shirt with a city name sold only to the person who visited the store of the city became a well renowned hot-selling product. “People” magazine raved about the Hard Rock Cafe as the “Smithsonian of Rock & Roll.”
イタリアの伝統的なピッツァメニューの枠を超え、カリフォルニアの自由な感覚から生まれた、グローバルなトッピング・アイデアによるオリジナリティ溢れるプレミアムピザをメインに、アペタイザーからスープ、サラダ、パスタ、デザートまで、豊富なメニューを揃えたプレミアム・ピザ・ダイニング。California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) is a casual restaurant chain that is a leader in authentic California-style cuisine. Since its start in LA in 1985, it has been expanding its restaurants in the US and abroad. It features an imaginative line of hearth-baked pizzas, including the original BBQ Chicken Pizza, and a broad selection of distinctive pastas, salads, soups and sandwiches. Now you can enjoy CPK also in Japan!