Taiwan Salt Museum付近のお店
- ~4,999円
- 5,000〜9,999円
- 10,000円~
訂位指南營業時間:AM 11:00- AM 02:00(最後收客時間 AM 01:00 )#開放30天內預約訂位 ✅店內禁止攜帶寵物,敬請見諒 ✅用餐時間90分鐘 ✅ 線上預約提供1-6人訂位,若超過6人訂位請於營業時間內撥打門市專線進行訂位#交通資訊• 高鐵搭乘:搭乘高鐵接駁車到永華市政中心(府前路),再步行約5分鐘•公車資訊台南客運 70左、0左、0右府城客運 10號
For the locals of Tainan, the resounding clamor of hammers pounding herbs in the traditional Chinese medicine shop and the intoxicating scent of medicinal concoctions evoke vivid sensory memories. However, what the Chikan Pharmacy Bar offers is a soulful elixir that appeases both the body and the mind— known worldwide as alcohol.Within the confines of this establishment, alcohol becomes a medium through which one can transcend time and space, returning to a state of primal authenticity, unburdened by worldly concerns. The symbol 「赤」embodies our fervent commitment to service and heartfelt greetings.Even if you venture into our establishment alone, the culmination of your experience will result in a holistic rejuvenation of your physical,mental, and spiritual well-being.?Hi there, ?Few tips for you before making reservation:1. Business hour: Weekday 8pm- 2am. Weekend & holiday 8pm- 3am.2. If you can’t make reservations on inline, please call +886 622195993. If your party is more than 6ppl, please leave us your reservation info on instagram. 4. Deposit will be needed if more than 6ppl reservation. 5. Minimum charge is NT500 per person, not included food.6. Table will be reserved in 10 mins, we might cancel it if your are late.7. No kids & pets allowed.8. If you feel sick, please let us know.You can go our second bar「 YongFu Mansion 」if the reservation is full.
訂位指南營業時間:AM 11:00 - AM 02:00最後收客為01:00#開放30天內預約訂位✅ 店內禁止攜帶寵物,敬請見諒✅ 用餐時間90分鐘✅ 線上預約提供1-6人訂位,若6人以上訂位請於營業時間內撥打門市專線進行訂位#交通資訊·高鐵搭乘:搭乘捷運到『中央公園站』2號出口,再步行約5分鐘·捷運搭乘:搭乘捷運到『中央公園站』2號出口,再步行約5分鐘·公車資訊12、224
【Information】【營業時間】週日至週五 19:00-01:00週六 18:00-01:00※公休日 依Instagram公告為主※最後加點餐/酒 23:30【訂位說明】⒈採全預約制,僅接受inline線上訂位,恕不透過私訊留言訂位。 20:00後的訂位,敬請當日致電或現場前往。⒉6人以上訂位請播打電話,最多接客數為8人/組。⒊座位將由系統安排,恕無指定座位、現場無法臨時增減人數,需負擔未到者最低消費。⒋如有特殊需求請於訂位時在「訂位備註欄」註明,將盡力為您安排。⒌訂位成功者將收到簡訊,座位僅保留10分鐘;若無故未出席未能聯繫上者,將視同取消訂位,系統將留有記錄。⒍如欲候位,僅當日受理;請於當日營業時間播打電話即可候位。⒎僅開放30天內訂位。【消費須知】※無用餐時間限制※所有消費均收取10%服務費⒈低消:$700/人。不限時。⒉禁帶外食。⒊開瓶費:紅白酒$800、烈酒:$1500。⒋巷弄內請勿停車,汽機車請停放於中山路、公園路上停車格;庭院為員工停車場。⒌付費方式:現金/刷卡/台灣Pay/line pay 6.小朋友: ❌含12歲以下不用低消 ⭕️含13歲-含18歲低消一人一杯 7.外帶:一律酙收包材及包裝服務費10%。※未滿十八歲禁止飲酒。※酒後不開車,安全有保障。以上所述,店家保有最終解釋權。