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Tangquan Golf Course付近のお店



M.O. - Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhenの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
The Bay will highlight the renowned creative skills of Michelin-starred chef Fei, known for his inventive approach to Cantonese cuisine and use of fresh ingredients.Other enticing options include TAPAS 77, with speciality dishes from Spain, and an extensive selection of accompanying wines. RIN, a high end teppanyaki Japanese restaurant where diners can watch expert chefs preparing Japanese favourites and OPUS 388 with a focus on fresh seafood prepared in European styles.The rooftop M.O. Bar serves up bespoke, prohibition-era inspired cocktails, along with an international selection of fine whiskies. Drinkers at this lively spot enjoy 79th floor views of the city and beyond. Rounding out the options is Bazaar, a lifestyle-oriented café and bakery, LIAN Lounge, which serves drinks, afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Mandarin Cake Shop with a delectable range of signature chocolates, pastries and premium coffee and teas.
Man Ho, Shenzhen Marriott Hotel Nanshanの写真
• 中華料理 • Shenzhen
Specialize in authentic Cantonese cuisine, offering refined yet innovative dining experience for entertaining or simply warm and memorable family gathering. 6 luxurious and inviting private dining rooms can satisfy every detail with modern design.汇聚珍馐百味,浓缩新派粤菜精华。6间风格各异的豪华包间营造尊贵品味空间,优雅款待,宾客尽欢,阖家聚享,怡享天伦。
The Bay by Chef Fei - Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhenの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
The Bay will highlight the renowned creative skills of Michelin-starred chef Fei, known for his inventive approach to Cantonese cuisine and use of fresh ingredients.Other enticing options include TAPAS 77, with speciality dishes from Spain, and an extensive selection of accompanying wines. RIN, a high end teppanyaki Japanese restaurant where diners can watch expert chefs preparing Japanese favourites and OPUS 388 with a focus on fresh seafood prepared in European styles.The rooftop M.O. Bar serves up bespoke, prohibition-era inspired cocktails, along with an international selection of fine whiskies. Drinkers at this lively spot enjoy 79th floor views of the city and beyond. Rounding out the options is Bazaar, a lifestyle-oriented café and bakery, LIAN Lounge, which serves drinks, afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Mandarin Cake Shop with a delectable range of signature chocolates, pastries and premium coffee and teas.
Nanshan Kitchen, Shenzhen Marriott Hotel Nanshanの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
Perched high on the 43rd floor, Nanshan Kitchen stands above all the other buffet dining experience. An enticing selection of international cuisines and attentive service elevates this culinary journey to a whole new level. 傲踞43楼南山地区高空景观的环球自助餐,如此景致享用中式、日式、欧式等环球佳肴。更能亲眼目睹大厨精心准备各种美食,是为感官享受的全新境界。
TAPAS 77 - Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhenの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
The Bay will highlight the renowned creative skills of Michelin-starred chef Fei, known for his inventive approach to Cantonese cuisine and use of fresh ingredients.Other enticing options include TAPAS 77, with speciality dishes from Spain, and an extensive selection of accompanying wines. RIN, a high end teppanyaki Japanese restaurant where diners can watch expert chefs preparing Japanese favourites and OPUS 388 with a focus on fresh seafood prepared in European styles.The rooftop M.O. Bar serves up bespoke, prohibition-era inspired cocktails, along with an international selection of fine whiskies. Drinkers at this lively spot enjoy 79th floor views of the city and beyond. Rounding out the options is Bazaar, a lifestyle-oriented café and bakery, LIAN Lounge, which serves drinks, afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Mandarin Cake Shop with a delectable range of signature chocolates, pastries and premium coffee and teas.
LIAN Lounge - Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhenの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
The Bay will highlight the renowned creative skills of Michelin-starred chef Fei, known for his inventive approach to Cantonese cuisine and use of fresh ingredients. Other enticing options include TAPAS 77, with speciality dishes from Spain, and an extensive selection of accompanying wines. RIN, a high end teppanyaki Japanese restaurant where diners can watch expert chefs preparing Japanese favourites and OPUS 388 with a focus on fresh seafood prepared in European styles. The rooftop M.O. Bar serves up bespoke, prohibition-era inspired cocktails, along with an international selection of fine whiskies. Drinkers at this lively spot enjoy 79th floor views of the city and beyond. Rounding out the options is Bazaar, a lifestyle-oriented café and bakery, LIAN Lounge, which serves drinks, afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Mandarin Cake Shop with a delectable range of signature chocolates, pastries and premium coffee and teas.
Bazaar - Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhenの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
The Bay will highlight the renowned creative skills of Michelin-starred chef Fei, known for his inventive approach to Cantonese cuisine and use of fresh ingredients. Other enticing options include TAPAS 77, with speciality dishes from Spain, and an extensive selection of accompanying wines. RIN, a high end teppanyaki Japanese restaurant where diners can watch expert chefs preparing Japanese favourites and OPUS 388 with a focus on fresh seafood prepared in European styles. The rooftop M.O. Bar serves up bespoke, prohibition-era inspired cocktails, along with an international selection of fine whiskies. Drinkers at this lively spot enjoy 79th floor views of the city and beyond. Rounding out the options is Bazaar, a lifestyle-oriented café and bakery, LIAN Lounge, which serves drinks, afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Mandarin Cake Shop with a delectable range of signature chocolates, pastries and premium coffee and teas.
RIN - Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhenの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
The Bay will highlight the renowned creative skills of Michelin-starred chef Fei, known for his inventive approach to Cantonese cuisine and use of fresh ingredients.Other enticing options include TAPAS 77, with speciality dishes from Spain, and an extensive selection of accompanying wines. RIN, a high end teppanyaki Japanese restaurant where diners can watch expert chefs preparing Japanese favourites and OPUS 388 with a focus on fresh seafood prepared in European styles.The rooftop M.O. Bar serves up bespoke, prohibition-era inspired cocktails, along with an international selection of fine whiskies. Drinkers at this lively spot enjoy 79th floor views of the city and beyond. Rounding out the options is Bazaar, a lifestyle-oriented café and bakery, LIAN Lounge, which serves drinks, afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Mandarin Cake Shop with a delectable range of signature chocolates, pastries and premium coffee and teas.
The Lounge, Shenzhen Marriott Hotel Nanshanの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
Overlooking Shenzhen Bay, The Lounge presents a stunning harbour view. A wide variety of wines, from all over the world, are yours to savor. Live piano performances create a perfect soundtrack for you to unwind, escape or engage in quiet conversation.坐拥深圳湾畔,眼观迷人海景,耳听钢琴演奏,细味多国美酒,如此悠然看南山,却是雅静之至。
OPUS elev. 388 - Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhenの写真
• 各国料理 • Shenzhen
The Bay will highlight the renowned creative skills of Michelin-starred chef Fei, known for his inventive approach to Cantonese cuisine and use of fresh ingredients.Other enticing options include TAPAS 77, with speciality dishes from Spain, and an extensive selection of accompanying wines. RIN, a high end teppanyaki Japanese restaurant where diners can watch expert chefs preparing Japanese favourites and OPUS 388 with a focus on fresh seafood prepared in European styles.The rooftop M.O. Bar serves up bespoke, prohibition-era inspired cocktails, along with an international selection of fine whiskies. Drinkers at this lively spot enjoy 79th floor views of the city and beyond. Rounding out the options is Bazaar, a lifestyle-oriented café and bakery, LIAN Lounge, which serves drinks, afternoon tea and cocktails, and The Mandarin Cake Shop with a delectable range of signature chocolates, pastries and premium coffee and teas.
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