Welcome to The Beach House, a casual family friendly restaurant, serving contemporary American cuisine as well as typical New England favorites. Perfectly located along the East Bay bike path overlooking Bristol harbor.
Quitos Restaurant is a casual family venue located on Bristol harbor. We accept walk-ins as well as reservations. We will send a text to the phone number that was used to make your reservation once your table is ready for you. We only hold tables for reservation/and waitlist parties for 15 mins after the time you have booked or messaged your table is ready. We may not be able to seat you should you arrive late so please arrive on time. We do not require our guests or staff to wear masks if they are fully vaccinated. Please call (401) 253-9042 with any questions or inquiries.
Welcome to Chelo's Waterfront!Located right on Greenwich Bay in Warwick, RI, Chelo's Waterfront Restaurant provides excellent views, great food and live entertainment!
15 Point Roadはロードアイランド州ポーツマスのサカネット川沿いのレストランで、賑やかな雰囲気ながらも、それほど混んでいません。魅惑的な月明かりが反射する川の景色を楽しめます。伝統料理のほか、折衷的でモダンな創作料理も用意しています。玄関のデッキのそばにハーブ園があり、新鮮なハーブを使って料理を作っています。店内の窓からは、海に続くサカネット川の美しいパノラマの景色を楽しめます。川の対岸には時折、ティヴァートンの魚市場へ向かう地元の漁船が行き交います。運が良ければ、マウント・ホープベイで網を仕掛けに出かけるロブスター漁師の姿を目にすることもできます。