¥¥¥¥価格:非常に高い • Japanese • 目黒
中目黒駅近路地裏にできた新しい隠れ家な店中目黒駅から徒歩5分の裏路地にはいると木造の大きな扉が目印。四季に合わせたアートデザインと落ち着いた店内が広がります。毎日、店主自ら豊洲市場に買い付けした新鮮な魚で本格的なお寿司が味わえ、伝統を守りかつ新しいスタイルを見つけ出す料理をあわせてご堪能下さい。なお、日曜日、祝日は、店主が不在になり若手育成営業日となっております。New hideaway shop that was able to Naka-Meguro Station near the back alley.Large door is mark of wooden Once in the back alley of a 5-minute walk from Naka-Meguro Station. Store calm and art design to match the four seasons will spread.Every day, a full-fledged sushi taste with fresh fish, which was purchased in the shopkeeper himself Toyosu market, Please enjoy together the tradition and find a new style cuisine.Please note that Sundays and Public holidays are business days for training young employees as the owner is absent.