Lukang Townshipのベストしゃぶしゃぶレストラン
【訂位注意事項】1.目前開放「30天內」的訂位,訂位【保留5分鐘】,逾時則視為放棄訂位。2.可接受 2-8 位訂位(座位安排皆由現場桌況安排,亦有可能為分桌鄰近桌面)3.超過 8 位訂位、特殊活動或有老人及孩童需安排一樓座位,請來電預約由專人服務或點擊[連結聯繫官方line@](。4.訂位時間請準時或提前至櫃檯報到,若需更改訂位時間或人數,請提前來電告知,以免座位優先禮讓於現場客人。(餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。)5.最後入場時間:凌晨00:30。6.訂位完成後,若需調整人數或是更改用餐時間請撥打電話至門市確認。7.恕不接受寵物入內(輔助犬與導盲犬除外)。8.餐點供應品項依現場菜單為主。9.本餐廳保留條款內容變更與解釋、暫停或終止本線上訂位之權利。【用餐計費方式】●店內用餐時 間為100分鐘●低消為350元/人(110cm以下兒童免低消),如共鍋未達低消金額將酌收120/人共鍋費。●店內用餐需收10%服務費●詳細計費方式請參照菜單
🕙Business Hours🕙Important notes for the Lunar Year🧧We publish a limited edition menu for the Lunar Year (for more info, please get in touch with us or look it up on Facebook/ Instagram)A deposit is required to confirm your booking, and we apologize for the inconvenience.From Wednesday to Sunday Lunch hour: 11:00-14:00Dinner hour: 17:30-21:00🕙Final Hours🕙Lunch period:Entrance is available till 12:45.Last order at 13:00Dinner period:Entrance is available till 19:45Last order at 20:00⚠️Booking information⚠️1. Reservation is held for 10 minutes from your booking time.2. The dining period is at least 90 minutes from the reservation hour.3. Unable to accept supplementary guests.As the restaurant has limited capacity, we do not accept supplementary guests. If you would like to change the number of guests, please don't hesitate to contact us in advance.4. CelebrationIf you have a birthday celebration or happy anniversary, please inform us in advance and we would be pleased to prepare a surprise for you.PS: Please take your ID for verification.5. We accept reservations for 1 month beforehand. If you can't book the time you want on our booking system, please contact us through phone, and we will check the table for you immediately.6. If you'd like to reserve a table for 10 or more, please call us to confirm the reservation. In the case, we would charge parts of the deposit in advance, along with setting a dinning party or customized menu for you.7.In case of any allergy or special diet, please inform us in advance.8. If highchair or stroller is needed, please contact us in advance.
營業時間:中午11點 - 凌晨2點(線上最後訂位時間為晚上12點)最後加點時間:晚上00:30點訂位保留時間:將為您保留10分鐘(包含在用餐時間),超過時間即取消訂位,將由現場客人進行座位候補1.用餐時間限制?訂位時間開始計算100分鐘2.每人基本費用:*身高 141cm以上 基本費用 $288元(例假日、國定假日需點368元以上套餐系列)*身高 121~140cm 基本費用 $168元*身高 101~120cm 基本費用 $68元*身高 100(含)以下 無基本費用以上依人頭,皆須的收30元清潔費襁褓手抱、僅能坐婴兒推車、無須獨立座位者免收清潔費每位大人以1位100cm(含)以下之幼兒共食為限,若超過則每位酌收30元清潔費3.請珍惜食物的量點餐及自助吧使用,請勿浪費食物,若同桌未享用完畢食材以浪費食材收費,每超過500g的收$100元,為保持食材的新鮮度及餐點品質,湯底及自助區食材不提供打包外帶服務。4.嗑肉石鍋會依季節更替調整菜色與自助吧、副食、霜淇淋、甜點、飲品內容5.菜單照片僅供參考,餐點依實際出餐為主訂位完成後,若需調整人數或是更改用餐時間請撥打電話至門市確認本餐廳為開放空間,故禁帶寵物入內,敬請見諒-店休資訊:依官方臉書為主-使用線上訂位,無故未到並無提前告知店家3次(含)以上,將無法用此系統進行訂位