Max & Moritz, bekannt vom Viktualienmarkt, eröffnen eine neue Tagesbar im Herzen Münchens. Neben süffigen Tropfen erhältst Du spezielle Raritäten aus den besten Weinregionen Deutschlands und Südafrikas – hier kann sich wirklich jeder Weinliebhaber mehr als wohl fühlen! Verfeinert durch erstklassigen Kaffee, frische Croissants und kleine Snacks, laden wir zum Genießen ein.
Max and Moritz, two Munich natives who were born on the same day 26 years ago at the Klinikum Großhadern, opened up an exclusive wine bar / wine boutique called Max & Moritz. At Max & Moritz, you can enjoy delightful drops and special rarities from the best wine regions of Germany and South Africa – here, every wine lover feels more than comfortable! Max & Moritz is located right in the heart of Munich, on the historic Viktualienmarkt - The perfect place to dive into the hustle and bustle with a glass or bottle of wine.Please note that we unfortunately do not offer any food in our wine bar. However, you can order dishes from our neighbouring restaurants Poseidon and Zum Alten Markt and enjoy them directly with us. During the week, from Monday to Thursday, we also have our dish of the week together with one of our partner restaurants between 12:00 and 14:00. When you order this dish along with a matching glass of wine, you will receive the second glass of wine for on the house.
Together with CALIMA Specialty Coffee, we look forward to welcoming you for breakfast from 10:00 a.m. and for lunch from 12:00 p.m. As usual, from 6:00 p.m., a straightforward, artisanal cuisine will be served. Our products come from the best dealers in Europe and offer a wide range of fish, seafood and steak cuts.In addition to the dishes served, we also focus on our wine list. It offers over 500 items, mainly European wines. Our sommelier and restaurant manager Maximilian Haußmann will be happy to take you on a journey through the best growing areas and locations on the continent.MAS-TAVA head chef Alexander Dostal and his young team show a lot of creativity in dealing with our high-quality products. The focus is on the finest fish and selected steak cuts.
Willkommen in unserer gemütlichen Weinbar! Neben unseren bewährten Favoriten servieren wir euch täglich wechselnde Weine im Offenausschank. Welche das sind? Tja, das bleibt bei uns eine kleine Überraschung. ;)Wir lassen uns von unserer Laune leiten und wählen spontan, was gerade am besten passt, um euch jeden Tag aufs Neue ein besonderes Geschmackserlebnis zu bieten. Also lasst euch einfach überraschen und genießt den Moment! Wenn ihr neugierig seid oder etwas probieren möchtet, sprecht uns gerne an. Wir sind hier, um euch mit „Spaß im Glas“ zu begeistern!Prost und viel Spaß, Euer Weinträne-Team