Allen, die Lust auf ein bisschen Abwechslung auf ihrem Teller haben, empfehlen wir einen Besuch im Kaizen. Zu finden in der Kölner Lindenstraße, gleich neben dem Hiroshima-Nagasaki-Park und nur wenige Schritte zu Fuß von der U-Bahnhaltestelle Moltkestraße entfernt, kannst du dich auf frische und nach Originalrezepten zubereitete Köstlichkeiten der japanischen Küche freuen. Das Kaizen in der Neustadt-Süd beweist auf leckere Art und Weise, dass die Kulinarik Japans viel mehr zu bieten hat als Sushi (wobei es dies hier selbstverständlich auch in abwechslungsreicher Auswahl gibt). So kannst du dich unter anderem gegrillten Lachs oder gegrilltes Hühnerfleisch in Teriyakisauce, Jakobsmuschel in Tempurateig oder Algensalat freuen. Natürlich ist auch an authentische Desserts gedacht. Im Angebot im Kaizen: Matcha Eis, Eis aus schwarzem Sesam oder frittierter Reiskuchen.
Der Wackes – ein Stück Frankreich mitten in KölnNahe dem Rudolfplatz, in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Ehrenstraße und dem Friesenviertel, erwartet Sie eine kleine Reise ins Elsass. Unsere Karte lädt mit Klassikern der elsässischen Küche und gutbürgerlicher französischer Küche zu kulinarischen Exkursionen ein. Begleitet von einer großen Auswahl elsässer und anderer französischer Weine erwartet Sie das Elsass da, wo Sie es am wenigsten erwarten - in der Kölner Innenstadt.
Located directly in front of our hotel by the Rhine river is the Grissini Restaurant with its perfectly balanced Italian cuisine and a selection of fresh meat and fish dishes as well as pasta creations. Head chef Antonello Marsico serves authentic dishes while restaurant manager Eva Steverink makes sure to greet you with a smile and to provide a friendly and family-style service with her team.We are excited to welcome you!
Directly opposite Cologne Cathedral, the Hanse Stube offers innovative French cuisine with regional influences.
The gourmet restaurant has been awarded several prizes for its excellent cuisine and first-class service. Chef Joschua Tepner prepares unique taste experiences. His menu pays homage to both tradition and innovation. The Hanse Stube team provides excellent service and pampers its guests; head waiter Franz-Georg van Hall personally carves at the guests’ table and sommelier Robert Demers finds a wine to pair with any style of food.
The interior of the Hanse Stube is characterized by timeless elegance with cozy sofa corners, filigree wooden chairs and various contemporary and historical paintings on the wood-paneled walls. The two side rooms, "Mirror Salon" and "Fish Salon", can be booked exclusively for small banquets.
Situated in Cologne's Old Town, Sünner im Walfisch serves flavorful German fare. Its setting was once a brewery that now features classic décor. Guests can start their dining experience with a small mixed salad or a hearty potato soup at Sünner im Walfisch, a main course of wiener schnitzel with French fries, broad beans with bacon or a grilled rump steak and herb butter. Delicious tarts, fish dishes and tasty desserts can be found on the menu.
Sünner im Walfisch brew its own beer and has live music for fun entertainment while dining. This restaurant welcomes reservations.
Deutzer Brauhaus is a restaurant with a cozy, brewery-styled atmosphere designed to immerse guests into the local culture. The restaurant takes pride in serving authentic, traditional Kölsch and other kinds of beverages. Deutzer Brauhaus also serves a variety of meals such as the rheinischer sour roast with delicious raisins, almonds, cabbage and potato dumplings. Guests can also try the brauhaus pan with tender pork, fresh bratwurst, turkey steak, fried sausage fried, herb butter, fries and a side salad
Deutzer Brauhaus is easy to reach by public transport. Reservations and casual dining services are available during the morning through late evenings.
Scampino serves travelers and locals freshly prepared seafood dishes. Its Mediterranean-style setting offers a cozy atmosphere and features outdoor patio seating for guests to enjoy their meals along with the weather. Scampino has flavorful appetizers like rocket salad sprinkled with parmesan and truffle oil and lobster cream soup. Tuna steak in rosemary butter, grilled prawns or scallops in tarragon sauce are fulfilling main courses.
Scampino is located less than a mile away from the Cologne Exhibition Centre. It features a nice selection of wine and offers tastings. This restaurant provides cooking classes and hosts various cultural events.
## Petite Marie: A Taste of French Charm in Rodenkirchen
Nestled in the heart of Rodenkirchen, Petite Marie invites you to experience the warmth and elegance of French cuisine. Named after the owner's beloved bulldog, this charming restaurant offers a delightful escape from the everyday.
Step inside and be greeted by a cozy atmosphere, adorned with rustic touches and soft lighting. The aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering sauces fills the air, whetting your appetite for the culinary journey ahead.
Petite Marie's menu boasts a delectable selection of French classics, each prepared with the finest seasonal ingredients. Indulge in the rich flavors of Coq au Vin, savor the delicate sweetness of Vitello Tonnato, or embark on a seafood adventure with a perfectly grilled Loup de Mer.
Beyond the exquisite dishes, Petite Marie offers an exceptional dining experience. The friendly and attentive staff ensures your every need is met, while the intimate setting fosters a sense of warmth and connection.
Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking a delightful evening out, Petite Marie promises an unforgettable culinary adventure. Let the charm of French cuisine transport you to a world of delectable flavors and warm hospitality.