Wenshan Districtのヘルシーな料理が食べられるお店
- ~4,999円
- 5,000〜9,999円
- 10,000円~
■時間■朝食 06:30~10:00■ランチ 11:30~14:00■ディナー 18:00~21:30※人数制限がございます。6名様以上の場合はお電話でのご予約をお願い致します。(朝食はご予約を承っておりません。スタッフが順にご案内させていただきます。)ラストオーダー及び最終入店時間は閉店時間の30分前になります。■料金■ビュッフェ朝食 大人: NT$860 子供:NT$430■ビュッフェランチ 大人:NT$1480 子供:NT$740 (月曜日~金曜日) ビュッフェランチ 大人:NT$1680 子供:NT$840 (土、日曜日、祝日)■ビュッフェディナー 大人:NT$1480 子供:NT$740 (月曜日~木曜日) ビュッフェディナー 大人: NT$1680 子供:NT$840 (金曜日~日曜日、祝日) ※別途10%サービス料を頂戴いたします。きらめきや輝きを意味する「ブリリアント」は、ご利用いただくすべてのお客様に輝くような思い出ができるようにとの願いを込めています。長年のキャリアを誇るシェフが、オープンスタイルキッチンで、台湾食材とその調理技術をもって五感で楽しめる様々な国の料理や、日本東北地方の伝統料理をご提供いたします。活気あふれる店内はご家族やご友人との楽しいお食事のひと時に最適。きらきらと輝くような楽しい時間をお過ごしください。
Lunch: 11:30 pm - 2:30 pmLast Order 2:00pmDinner: 5:30 pm - 9:30 pmLast Order: 9:00pm- Please kindly provide specific number of persons (including numbers of children) when making a reservation to ensure seating comfort. - Online reservation is not applicable for specific table and private dining rooms. - Any kind of credit card benefit is not applicable for National Holidays and private dining room. National Holidays are as follows: 2024 New Year’s Day (1/1), Chinese New Year Festival and Valentine's Day (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Tomb-Sweeping Day (4/4-4/7), Labor Day (5/1),Mother's Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10),Father’s day (8/8), Chinese Valentine's Day (8/10), Moon Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas Day (12/24-12/25), 2025New Year’s Day(2024/12/31- 2025/1/1) - Corkage fee applies. NT$500 for wines/ per bottle; NT$1,000 for spirits/ per bottle- Group guests who make reservations separately cannot combine tablesDishes below require advance reservation:- Roasted Duck (Whole) Requires 2 days advance notice - Double-Boiled Fish Maw and Chinese Cabbage with Chicken Consomme (preparation time: 45mins)- Steamed King Crab Claw with Rice Wine. (Requires two days advance notice)
* ☞我們開放 30 天內訂位☞座位將依現場狀況調整,恕不指定座位。如有特殊需求,請於訂位備註欄說明。(比如:需要娃娃椅幾張/行動不便.)☞例假日及尖峰時段餐期用餐時間為120分鐘☞如有其它問題,請來電給我們!
?午晚餐低消為每人 500 元,下午茶 15:00 - 17:00 為每人 300 元( 10 歲以下兒童無需低消 )⚠️座位保留 10 分鐘,逾時取消不另行通知。?敦南店?️台北市大安區敦化南路二段39-1號1樓?捷運信義安和站2號出口☎️02-2700-0313⏰用餐時間為100分鐘?️營業時間:12:00~21:00 (無公休)?️供餐時間午餐
12:00~15:00 餐點最後點餐 14:45
15:00~16:00 僅供應甜點及飲品16:00~17:00 無供應任何餐點及飲品晚餐
17:00~20:00 餐點最後點餐 19:45
20:00~20:30 僅供應甜點及飲品?歡迎提前預訂[整模蛋糕](https://www.littletreefood.com/cake)??小小樹食[敦南店線上菜單](https://www.dunnan.littletreefood.com)??若自行攜帶蛋糕入內需酌收蛋糕費 300 元(可抵用甜點費用)?若自行攜帶酒類需酌收開瓶費 600 元
ご予約にあたってのお願い※網路訂位系統無法指定座位,若靠窗位訂滿將安排不靠窗座位。※個人低消為每人一份套餐午套餐價位從800元起,晚餐1680元起有多種價位可供選擇.(另酌收水資每位NT40元及10%服務費)※如果無法選擇您要的人數,請來電洽詢。晚餐時段5位以上或午餐時段10位以上的訂位將會預收訂金,目前僅開放電話訂位,訂席專線02-81010016※入席時間均不多做保留須要準時入席,敬請知悉;若未於時間内到達,將優先請現場. 等候的顧客入座。Notes※Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area※If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email※Reservations for over 4 people for dinner,or over 10 people for lunch,Will need prepay depositPlease to make us a call +886-2-81010016 or send us an e-mail:thebest200685f@yahoo.com.twwe will arrange for you※We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time※Please be advised we serve set courses for lunch and dinnerThe price of our lunch set is from NT$800~NT$4280.The price of our dinner set is from NT$1680~NT$6880.Except for the price of the set courses, we will also charge NT$40/per person for mineral water and all prices are subject to 10% for service charge.Please do not hesitate to make us a call or send us an e-mail if there's any requirement, thank you!
***Attention***We close for lunch on 27th Nov. A dinner buyout on 10th Jan. we don't open to public.Due to our limited lobsters everyday, please reserve in the comments at least 3 days in advance when making the reservation, otherwise we can not guarantee availability.Our Burgers are also limited daily, but are not available to be reserved, please kindly ask our staff while ordering to check.Booking time for Lunch: 11:30-14:00 (14:30 Last Call)Booking time for Dinner: 17:30-20:30 (21:00 Last Call)Our dinner service is organized in two seatings.First Seating:17:30. 18:00. 18:30 booking, dining time will be 2 hours until 19:30. 20:00. 20:30.Second Seating: 20:00 or 20:30, no time limit.For the guests who book on 11:30 or 12:00 for lunch, dining time will also be 2 hours until 13:30 or 14:00.*Please book seats for kids, but baby chairs are not available
People make the world#determined to become a legend in Taiwan#I would very much like to open a legendary famous shop in Taiwan! I'm Shinji Wanibe, Japanese born. I had worked in a well known Japanese franchise restaurant for over 30 years, starting at the age of 18 up until the age of 48, from the 1st restaurant till the 700th restaurant.Back in 2004 because of a luckily work related coincidence, I had the opportunity to come to Taiwan. I really liked Taiwan very much, and decided to put down my roots here. At the year of 2012, bringing in 「Taiyo Tomato Ramen」 business from Japan into Taiwan, till today's (21st Feb 2021)「SuMiRouLi」. 「SuMiRouLi」is new brand created by our company to uphold the principles of providing "Good Food" to customers. I have noticed Taiwanese eating habits in Taiwan had changed during these recent few years. Everyone started to focus more on healthy and quality food. Which leads me to the idea of "be able to provide a healthier meal" concept.Being able to consume healthy food and drinking nutritional beverages. Which leads to the given name 「SuMiRouLi」.●This restaurant is filled with plentiful greens.●This restaurant from Monday to Sunday is capable of providing you 3 meals a day daily.●This restaurant has a warm story behind it, a sense of warmness to warm you up the whole day.●This restaurant is a "Home", a gathering place, where love spreads.●This restaurant will reveal and share a lot of stories based of the attitudes you should have in life.●This restaurant's manager will give you the warmest customer service.● This restaurant is opened at Zhongxiao East Road, Section 4, Lane 216.We sincerely look forward to 「SuMiRouLi」dining experience being able to be your second home dining place. No matter how busy you are, do remember to come back to 「SuMiRouLi」, the home of a heart warming wholesome meal.
————每個月20號開放下個月份訂位⚠️————請先詳讀訂位需知後再進行線上訂位,以免影響後續訂位資格1. 訂位沒有保留時間,請準時到現場報到,逾時將自動取消訂位2. 訂位人數超過20位(含小朋友),請到現場訂位,並支付1000元訂金,且不指定座位3. 訂位完成會發送簡訊通知(請用手機號碼,以免收不到簡訊),若需取消訂位請點選取消,以免系統拉黑,後續無法使用線上訂位4. 訂位開放時段有限,額滿為止,用餐當日如欲增加人數,請另外訂位,或現場候位5. 若訂位額滿,仍有保留一半座位為現場候位6. 本餐廳保留條款內容之解釋、變更、與暫停之權利
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