La Fortuna Bar and Restaurant is a family-owned restaurant, serving Italian cuisine and Brick oven Pizza.Philly's, "the cuisine master", is the founder of La Fortuna Bar and RestaurantConnecticut State and Italian food go hand-in-hand, like spaghetti and meatballs. In the late 18th thru the early 20th centuries, A lot of Albanian’s immigrated to Italy for many year’s where they have gotten tremendous experience in Italian Cuisine. Later they flocked Italy to the USA looking for opportunities in the New World, and brought their culinary traditions along with them to neighborhoods that later became Little Italy and Hell's Kitchen. Philly's the owner of La Fortuna Bar and Restaurant she is one of them.
John Davenports is a 19th floor restaurant and bar that offers contemporary, approachable, coastal New England fare with the best views of New Haven.Our Executive Chef strives to resource sustainable, seasonal ingredients from local farmers, while taking pride in products made in house. His culinary team highlights the Atlantic coastline and its abundant offering from the sea. Floor-to-ceiling windows bring the most captivating, panoramic views of the city, Long Island Sound, and Yale University to our community.
Brought to you by the team at Elm City Social, Olives and Oil explores Chef John Brennan's modern take on rustic Italian cuisine, wine, and life in a vintage setting.What you'll find inside: fresh ingredients, small plates, brick oven-fired pizza, and a delicious raw bar.Serving lunch, dinner, and weekend brunch!
L'Orcioはモダンなイタリア料理を提供する高級店で、リコッタチーズのニョッキ、パッパルデッレ、ラビオリなどの自家製パスタを始め、さまざまな料理を楽しめます。イタリア人シェフD'Amuriによる、見事な魚の丸焼きやジューシーなステーキなど、種類豊富な肉&魚料理を毎日用意しています。ティラミス、Charlotte agli Amaretti、レモンタルトなどのデザートも、レストラン内で作られています。ヨーロッパ風のエレガントで居心地の良い雰囲気の中、ランチ、ディナー、ドリンクを楽しめます。改装された歴史ある建物内に位置するレストランで、3つのユニークな空間を提供しています。洗練されたバーではカクテルを楽しめ、エレガントなダイニングルームは親密なディナーに最適です。中庭にある藤棚の下で、友人と前菜を味わうのもいいでしょう。L'Orcioは家族が所有・経営するレストランで、細部にまで気配りが行き届いています。食事でもドリンクでも、ご来店をお待ちしています。