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Xindian District​の季節の料理が楽しめるレストラン



黑毛屋 SOGO復興店の写真
• アジア料理 • Da'an District
最高級日本和牛鍋物専門店心も体も温まる日本鍋物の伝道師黒毛屋本家は創業以来日本の鍋物の伝道師として、心も体も温まる鍋料理を提供します。厳選された最高級日本和牛、スペインイベリコ豚ベジョータ、雲林黒羽地鶏などの三大食材、そして献身的なテーブルサービスでお客様の心と体を温める事をブランドの DNA として受け継いでいます。日本各地の伝統的な鍋物を通じて、季節ごとの様々な味わいと、日本の鍋文化を広めます。
• 未指定 • Da'an District
Coming Soon!
Lin restaurantの写真
• フランス料理 • Da'an District
⚠️重要公告:2025/3/1起 - 完成預訂晚餐需綁定信用卡金額 NTD$3,880/位- 完成預訂周末午餐需綁定信用卡金額 NTD$2,880/位- 取消請提前 7 日通知,逾期將酌收綁定信用卡金額- 葡萄酒開瓶費 NTD $1,000/750ml,可開同尺寸 1 瓶抵 1 瓶- 訂位 7 日前,餐廳將來電確認忌口事項,請保持電話暢通📌 訂位須知▫ 線上訂位開放45天內的預約▫ 訂位必須輸入信用卡資訊,簡訊確認即完成(不會預先扣款)▫ 套餐菜單依當季時令調整,如有食材過敏或飲食忌口,請提前 7 日告知▫ 僅提供蛋奶素、海鮮素,暫無提供全素套餐、無麩質、奶類過敏▫ 包廂及包場預訂,請來電或透過 Instagram 私訊洽詢▫ 訂位保留 30 分鐘,逾時視同取消,將收取 NTD $3,880 / 位,週末午餐 NTD $2,880 /位▫ 取消請提前 7日通知,逾期將酌收 NTD $3,880/ 位,,週末午餐 NTD $2,880 /位的食材耗損費🍽 冬季套餐💎 當季套餐|NTD $3,880起 / 位💎 週六午間套餐|NTD $2,880起 / 位💧 水資|NTD $180 / 位🍷 酒水服務費|葡萄酒 NTD $1,000 / 750ml|烈酒 NTD $2,000 / 700ml✨ 以上價格均須另加 10% 服務費📍 營業時間▫ 午餐|週六 11:30 - 14:00▫ 晚餐|週二至週六 18:00 - 22:30▫ 公休|每週日、一📞 聯絡電話|(02) 2368-7868📲 Instagram 私訊|@lin_restaurant_taipei📢 電話接聽時間|週二至週六 14:00 - 18:00⚠️ 用餐須知▫ 本餐廳為板前 Chef’s Table,開放式廚房可能產生些許油煙,外套可交由服務人員代為掛置▫ inline 線上訂位限板前用餐區 8 人以下,VIP 包廂 / 包場請來電或 IG 私訊洽詢▫ 座位安排依訂位順序進行,恕無法指定座位▫ 訂位 7 日前,餐廳將來電確認忌口事項,請保持電話暢通✨ 感謝您的支持與理解,Lin Restaurant 團隊期待能很快地為您服務。🥂📌 Reservation Policy▫ Online reservations are available up to 1.5 months in advance.▫ Credit card details are required for booking confirmation via SMS (no charges will be made at this stage).▫ Our menu is seasonal. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions at least 7 days in advance.▫ We offer only lacto-ovo and pescatarian options. Vegan menus are currently unavailable.▫ For private dining or event bookings, please contact us via phone or Instagram.▫ Reservations are held for 30 minutes. Late arrivals will be considered a no-show and charged NTD $3,880 per guest.(Weekend Lunch NTD $2,880)▫ Cancellations must be made at least 7 days in advance; otherwise, a NTD $3,880 per guest charge will apply. (Weekend Lunch NTD $2,880)🍽 Winter Menu💎 Seasonal Menu|From NTD $3,880 per guest💎 Saturday Lunch Menu|From NTD $2,880 per guest💧 Water Fee|NTD $180 per guest🍷 Corkage Fee|Wine NTD $1,000 / 750ml|Spirits NTD $2,000 / 700ml✨ All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.📍 Business Hours▫ Lunch|Saturday 11:30 - 14:00▫ Dinner|Tuesday - Saturday 18:00 - 22:30▫ Closed|Sunday & Monday📞 Contact|(02) 2368-7868📲 DM us on Instagram|@lin_restaurant_taipei📢 Call Hours|Tuesday - Saturday 14:00 - 18:00⚠️ Dining Notes▫ We are a Chef’s Table-style restaurant with an open kitchen. Some smoke may be present. Our staff can assist in storing your outerwear.▫ Online reservations (via inline) are available for groups of up to 8 guests. For VIP rooms or private events, please contact us.▫ Seating is arranged based on booking order. Specific table requests cannot be accommodated.▫ We will call 7 days before your reservation to confirm dietary restrictions. Please ensure your phone is reachable.✨ Thank you for your support and understanding. We look forward to welcoming you in the new year. 🥂
和牛47 微風南山店の写真
• フュージョン料理 • 信義区
高層階の和牛焼肉懐石最高級和牛ファイン ダイニング 五感で味わう究極の美食体験台北 101 の美しい景色を真正面に眺める貴重なロケーション。焼肉 + 和牛寿司 + 懐石の三大料理を融合し、季節ごとの旬の食材を用いた全く新しい最高級和牛ファイン ダイニング。専属スタッフによるテーブルサービスにより、美しい景色と美食の喜びに浸れます。「特別な日特別な人と堪能する最高の和牛」
unDer labの写真
• バーラウンジ • Da'an District
***unDer lab - a bar of tasting experiences******_____________________________________******因活動因素 2024.01.14 不提供 / 套餐式酒單 /,僅有單點式DAILY MENU******■ 營業資訊 ■***[ Opening Hour ]: 7pm-1am 週二公休[ Location ]: 光復南路308巷51號B1 (Cog & j 餐酒館樓下)[ Entrance ]: 推開門右手邊樓梯下來***_____________________________________******■ Reservations 訂位須知 ■***◆IG不提供訂位服務,請您使用Inline系統或於營業時間來電連絡電話|0981-238-531營業時間|7pm-1am (周二公休).兩種模式訂位,套餐式/ 單點式 時段分別如下:***_____________________________________******週日限定******套餐式『風味酒單 Cocktail Tasting Menu』***↪︎ 預 約 制 套 餐 式 酒 單 ↩︎↪︎ 【2024. Winter Spring / Deconstruction: Maturation / 解構主義:熟成—人類文明】將「時間」的魔法轉化成杯中酒水,以冬季食材展現「熟成」中「巢 / 火 /發酵/風乾/黑化/爆炸/卵」◆ 關鍵風味#辛香料#冬春蔬果#巢穴裡的昆蟲#鮮味雞尾酒#果乾與起司熟成:穿越時間#甜與酒的平衡解構***◆ 春季套餐期間 1/7 - April******因活動因素 2024.01.14 不提供 / 套餐式酒單 /,僅有單點式DAILY MENU***◆ 套餐式酒單時段:每週日兩個場次 7-9pm / 10pm-12am◆ 套餐式酒單價格:$2280 + 10% service feeOrganic wine x 1 Wine cocktail x 1Cocktails x 4Non-alcoholic drink x 1Canape x 4Ice cream x 1◆Cocktail Tasting Menu為 葡萄酒. 調酒. 茶. 季節風味液. 搭配小食 之穿插組合◆ 提供約12個風味品項◆ 提供之酒感量約3杯Gin Tonic ***◆ 訂金$1000 /人:訂位後3天內寄送訂金[ 匯款資訊 ] 至[ 手機簡訊]******請您留意匯訂流程與通知,需完成付訂以保留訂位權益***◆ 每場酒單體驗 2hrs;◆ 不提供其他單點;建議來行前先 ◆〔週日8人以上訂位須包場〕請您來電由專人服務。◆ 收取訂金每人 NT$1,000後我們會完整保留您的訂位,並於用餐前一天提醒您。如欲取消預訂,請於用餐日5日前(用餐當日不納入計算)取消並直接聯繫unDer lab詢問退款事宜,針對逾期取消之訂位,恕無法退款或僅退部分款項。★提醒: 食物過敏請您於訂位時備註;部分選項與菜單設計體驗有高度相關,若有特殊需求改變有可能將影響您部分體驗過程,請見諒***_____________________________________******『單點式|一般時段|全酒單與餐點』***◆ 7pm-1am (周日不提供)◆ 時限2hrs,後無待位則不在此限◆ 每人低消 NTD$800 (服務費另計)◆〔5-8人訂位須知〕1. ***安排包廂座位,包廂低消$4000、訂金$2000***2. 請於營業時間來電由專人服務訂位;後系統訊息訂金匯款資訊,需付訂以保留訂位權益3. 人數更動至4人以內,請於消費日三天前來電通知,可退還包廂訂金,安排其他座位;***三天內告知恕不退訂金、不得更換座位、維持低消$4000*** 4. 本店保有訂位規則最後解釋權利◆〔包場需求、8人以上訂位須知〕⋅ 請於營業時間來電由專人服務訂位◆ Walk-in:我們也接受非訂位客人,不保證現場有座位提供,建議您提前後訂位擁有更好的品飲體驗◆ 線上訂位:開放未來30天內訂位◆ 訂位規則:訂位保留10分鐘,逾時不候***_____________________________________******■ Cancellation Rules 取消規則 ■***◆套餐式酒單訂金退款規則- 訂位消費日5日前取消,可扣除手續費後全額退款。- 訂位消費日5日內取消,訂金恕不退還。- 當天未抵達用餐者,訂金恕不退還。若您有其他 [ 訂金及取消 ] 事宜詢問,請於營業時間來電由專人服務◆No Show1.No Show 客人我們將取消您線上訂位資格2.取消block規則|致電訂位,須於致電當日付訂,每位訂金400元,付訂並實際到店消費後,態度良好即可取消block並恢復訂位權益。***_____________________________________***|A hidden bar |在unDer lab以調酒為主角貫穿『風味酒單 Cocktail Tasting Menu』,隨著季節變化推出套餐式餐酒搭seasonal menu,私廚式的貼近侍酒;每款風味調酒之間,穿插小食搭配。每3-4個月更換季度主題:menu 承載了季節和土地的風味,透過食材的靈魂與味蕾對話,將意象放入杯中,每一道體驗都是玩味。不斷跳耀於各種可能的空間,實驗著場域的適性,隨可變的空間與感受,傳達風味。***_____________________________________***|Notice|・本店保留訂位預定與取消的權利・本店保留更換菜單權利・位置安排由本店依當日現場狀況決定,不接受指定座位需求,敬請見諒・不得帶入外食與飲料・套餐式酒單營業模式期間,恕不接受寵物入內・為維護本店與所有顧客體驗,若您有過度喧嘩、破壞物品或其他打擾行為,我們將禁止您繼續消費並須離開本店・清潔費 NTD$3000:若您造成現場髒亂、家具損傷、嘔吐與其他清潔毀壞狀況,我們將收取清潔費;收取情節與多寡由本店決定#unDer #hiddenbar #antisocial #experimental #lab #welcomeanyone #dessert #seafood #cocktail #cocktailpairing #tastingmenu #taipeibar #taipeibars #taipeicocktail #套餐式酒單 #季節酒單 #調酒 #風味調酒 #茶酒 #拉麵
• フュージョン料理 • Da'an District
▶ Facebookファンページhttps://www.facebook.com/chachathecuisine▶ Instagramファンページhttps://www.instagram.com/chachathe_cuisine/住所:台北市大安区復興南路一段219巷23号完全なダイニングエクスペリエンスを提供するため、食事の時間帯には電話に出ることができません。電話受付時間:営業日15:00-16:00電話:(02)2781-8289メール:kitchen-daan@chachathe.comランチ:12:00 - 14:30 | 最終入店時刻 12:45 ディナー:18:00 - 22:00 | 最終入店時刻 19:15 毎週月曜日が定休日です。特別な祝日やイベントによる休業日はFacebookファンページで別途お知らせいたします。-貸切予約については、2か月前に電話またはカスタマーサービスメールでご連絡ください。専任スタッフがご対応いたします。-貸切予約には最低消費金額が適用されます。最低消費金額は以下の通りです。ランチ:お一人様あたり季節のランチ5コースメニューと水資をご注文いただき、合計金額がNTD$35,000+10%ディナー:お一人様あたり季節のディナーコースメニューと水資をご注文いただき、合計金額がNTD$60,000+10%-カスタムメニューのご希望がある場合、ランチの場合はNTD 2500/人から、ディナーの場合はNTD 4000/人からご提供しております。-ブランド提携の貸切予約については、お電話かカスタマーサービスメールでお問い合わせください。-予約の変更またはキャンセルをご希望の場合は、食事の予約日の48時間前までに電話またはオンライン予約システムでご連絡ください。-予約の変更、予約日の48時間以内での日付変更、人数変更、キャンセル、またはNo Showの場合、季節のコースメニューの食材準備費用が発生します。これらの費用は将来の予約には転用できません。例:08/03 12:00の予約の場合、08/01 12:00までに変更が必要です。08/01 12:00以降の変更にはお一人様NTD 800の食材準備費用が発生します。-予約の変更に関する最終的な決定権はレストランにあります。当レストランは店内運営に関する最終的な決定権を保有しております。
黑毛屋 信義新天地 A4の写真
• アジア料理 • 信義区
最高級日本和牛鍋物専門店心も体も温まる日本鍋物の伝道師黒毛屋本家は創業以来日本の鍋物の伝道師として、心も体も温まる鍋料理を提供します。厳選された最高級日本和牛、スペインイベリコ豚ベジョータ、雲林黒羽地鶏などの三大食材、そして献身的なテーブルサービスでお客様の心と体を温める事をブランドの DNA として受け継いでいます。日本各地の伝統的な鍋物を通じて、季節ごとの様々な味わいと、日本の鍋文化を広めます。
• しゃぶしゃぶ • 信義区
The newly created brand “Shi Ling Shabu” by the pioneer of boutique hot pot – Host Shabu, is stationed by craftsmen to carefully select seasonal fresh produce and the highest quality ingredients from various places. There is service staff to assist in cooking the ingredients and handling seafood with meticulous and thoughtful services, and the space is decorated by a contemporary design with an exceptional taste to achieve the aesthetic realm of “fine dining”. It transforms dining to be a kind of extreme enjoyment of self-rewarding. About us: http://www.shilingshabu.com/
• 中華料理 • Da'an District
Exploring the ocean.We shape a unique culinary narrative to highlight the flavor gifted by the sea and create a harmonious resonance.EMBERS is committed to deepen our understanding of the ocean.Every fish has its name and its irreplaceable value.All that comes ashore is a delicacy.◮ Brand New Season - Come savor the flavor of the sea.
∞ SHORT MENU:$3,500up TWD/person (9 courses)
∞ FULL MENU : $4,500up TWD /person. (13 courses)(Vegetarian unavailable. Seafood allergy not recommended)▴ Same table please choose the same menu, if your preference is not specified, FULL MENU will be arranged.▴ In order to present the complete concept, alternatives for dietary restrictions are not provided. Please notify us in advance should you have any religious concerns or severe allergy, latest by 72hrs before your booking.[Opening Hours]Dinner 18:00 - 22:30 (Latest seating 19:30). Closed on : Monday & Tuesday.Holiday or special event closures will be announced on Embers website.E-mail: info@embersdining.com[Reservations]・We only accept reservations within 40 days.・For parties of 4 and above, or any special events, please contact us via email or phone (13:00-18:00).・A deposit of NT$1500/per person will be tied with a valid credit card hold, reservation is only valid once the credit card detail is provided.・A cake can be prepared with an advanced request made 3 days prior to the booking. NT$350/Pcs.・We welcome children above the age of 12.・Reservations will be held for 10 minutes. Please inform us at your earliest convenience should you wish to change your time of arrival.・This website is the only official booking channel for Embers, all other unauthorized private booking channels (Facebook/Instagram) will not be approved.[Changes and Cancellation]・We order and prepare our ingredients based on reservations, we appreciate that you inform us 7 days in advance if there are any changes or cancellations.・There will be a cancellation charge of NT$1500/per person if cancel within 7 days or no-show.・Embers reserves the right to modify or cancel these reservations.・For parties of 6 and above, kindly note that there will be a cancellation charge of NT$1500/per person if cancellation is made within 10 days or arrive late over 15 minutes.・Phone line is not available on Monday & Tuesday, please do not hesitate to contact us via email. [Please note]・MENU content and price may changed irregularly according to seasonal ingredients.・Last order: Dinner 19:30. In order to provide the best dining experience, the menu is designed to be completed within a 3hr comfortable time frame. We sincerely suggest you to arrive on time.・Dress Code: Smart casual.・Outside food & beverage are not allowed.・Cakage Charge: NT$100 per person.・Corkage Charge: Wine NT$1000 per bottle (750ml) / Spirits NT$1500 per bottle (750ml).・No pets allowed, service dogs are welcomed, please inform us in advance.・For food safety concerns, no takeaway will be provided.・To enhance the best dining experience for our guests, flash photography and video recording are not allowed in the restaurant. ・We reserve the right to cancel or change your booking due to unforeseen circumstances, extreme weather conditions or accidents.Thank you for your understanding.
WILD DONKEY 野驢小餐館の写真
• フランス料理 • Da'an District
[Sincere food] Chef Fudy’s goal has always been to serve the most sincere food. Using the freshest and natural ingredients, the simplest cooking, without unnecessary plating, to taste what real food should taste like. The taste of comfort and happiness.[Farm to Table] Our chef and farmer Fudy grows vegetables using natural farming methods on his own farm, combining them with the freshest and most natural seasonal ingredients from Taiwan to create French comfort food. Staying true to the authentic flavors of the ingredients, allowing guests to explore their natural essence and rich layers. The dining experience is relaxed and casual, offering a warm and comfortable atmosphere for guests to enjoy a pleasant time.Reservation notice:Business hours: Dinners Tuesday to Saturday from 17:30 to 22:10 (last order at 21:00)Lunch Saturday 11:30 to 14:00 (last order at 13:00)Closed on Sunday and MondayRestaurant Address: No 5, Alley 33, Lane 216, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road 1F, Taipei City 106Reservation: 0912-390-398Email: info@wilddonkey.twReservation method:This restaurant accepts online reservations within one month, and does not accept social media reservations via Facebook, Instagram and etc.Thank you for your understanding.If the number of reservations is more than six people, please dial 0912-390-398 after 15:00 during business days, our staff will assist you in the reservation.On the day of the reservation, your table will be reserved for 10 minutes.Dining time is limited to 2 hours. If there are changes in the number of people and reservation related information, please inform in advance.If the number of people is temporarily reduced, we will also charge the original reservation number of the Minimum charge. If the guest were late past 10 minutes, we have the right to rearrange the reservation. Minimum charge $1000 per person from Tuesday to Saturday The minimum charge does not apply to infants who require baby seats.Valentine's Day2025/2/13-2025/2/15Minimum charge $1600 per person from February 13th to February 15th.Cake cleaning fee $220 per cake.


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