South Place Hotelのグラウンドフロアに新たにオープンしたSouth Place Chop Houseは、その名の通り、ロンドンの伝統的なステーキハウスをイメージしたレストランです。心地よい雰囲気の中で、優れたサービスと上質な料理を楽しめます。Thorbjørn Andersenの美術品が飾られた店内には、昔ながらの銅鍋が積み重なり、快適なバンケットシーティングや、広々とした相席テーブルが並んでいます。
ヘッドシェフのOliver Marloweのもとで編み出される 料理は、繊細で大胆なスタイル。伝統的な18世紀のステーキハウスの味を現代に合わせてアレンジした、ボリューム満点で、満足感たっぷりのおいしい料理をお楽しみください。
South Place Hotel boasts five private dining rooms on the first floor, which have been designed to facilitate daytime meetings, too. The rooms take their names from spies and secret agents in The Avengers, The New Avengers and The Men from U.N.C.L.E.
Join us for our Fantastic Breakfast. 3SP serves a menu of continental or international dishes.
The cooking is skilled and gutsy. A refinement of the conventional 18th Century Chop House style, it’s perfect for contemporary tastes and sensibilities, food you return to - tasty & satisfying.
Weekend Roast
We can’t wait to welcome you to our new Weekend roasts, coming soon to 3 South Place. Gather your friends and family for a feast crafted by our Head Chef, Rob Grist, featuring all favourite Sunday classics—with a signature South Place twist.
Choose from Corn-Fed Free-Range Chicken, 21-Day Dry-Aged Pork Ribeye, or treat yourself to the luxurious 28-Day Dry-Aged Whole Ribeye (available for an additional £10 per person).
For those feeling adventurous, our signature dish- the Carne a Trois for two boasts all three meats.
Enjoy Duck Fat Roast Potatoes, Cauliflower Cheese, and Yorkshire Puddings, served with a variety of vegetables and our rich, decadent Marmite & Bone Marrow Gravy.
3 South Place Restaurant and Barのメニューの最終更新日:2022-02-05