Almoraduz is a culinary concept created by chefs Shalxaly Macías and Quetzalcóatl Zurita, who have transformed their restaurant into a space of constant evolution, creativity, and love for Oaxacan culture. With its tasting menu as a reflection of their vision, Almoraduz stands out for its unique flavors and commitment to local ingredients. This approach has earned it recognition from the Michelin Guide, positioning Puerto Escondido as a renowned gastronomic destination.
Upon entering Almoraduz, guests are welcomed by an ambiance that invites them to disconnect and immerse themselves in the authenticity of Oaxaca. The restaurant’s design, with its cozy interior courtyard, creates an atmosphere of intimacy and reflection, perfect for enjoying an experience that goes beyond food. Here, each dish is a work of art that tells a story of love for the land, culture, and the act of sharing.
Let Almoraduz bring the culinary magic to your event with our exclusive catering service. We offer a personalized tasting menu featuring the finest Oaxacan cuisine and innovative techniques. Make your celebration a unique experience. Contact us for more details.
Celebrate your special event at Almoraduz, a unique space where creativity and culinary passion meet. Enjoy our exclusive tasting menu and an intimate, welcoming atmosphere, perfect for gatherings, celebrations, and unforgettable moments. Contact us for more information.
En Almoraduz, cada plato cuenta una historia de amor: amor a la tierra, a la cultura oaxaqueña y al arte de compartir. Este restaurante es el sueño compartido de Shalxaly y Quetzalcóatl, quienes, con dedicación y creatividad, han creado un espacio de colectividad y servicio genuino, donde cada detalle refleja su pasión por ofrecer experiencias inolvidables.
El menú degustación es una invitación a descubrir el alma de Almoraduz. Guiado por el Chef Quetzalcóatl Zurita, este recorrido nos lleva por los sabores y vivencias que han marcado su vida, plasmados en cada platillo con técnicas innovadoras, creatividad y el uso de ingredientes locales. Cada bocado celebra la esencia de Oaxaca.
Las bebidas y el servicio no están incluidos.