We are FABELEI, a bright atmospheric cocktail bar in the heart of Berlin-Schoeneberg. We run a non-smoking concept with bistro kitchen.
Our approach is creatively modern: we use the latest techniques to advance and enhance our cocktails and dishes. We centrifuge, fat-wash, ferment or perfectly cut ice sticks and cubes for your drink. Due to our sun terrace and the Mediterranean influence of our team, we pay attention to the establishment of the aperitif culture in Berlin. We handle booze, but you will also find a non-alcoholic selection.
Curious? Come and have a look. We are looking forward to your visit!
For renting the entire bar or further requests, please contact us via mail.
Please note that OpenTable requests credit card information in certain cases of the reservation. However, a fee will only be charged in the event of a no-show (non-appearance without prior cancellation)! Data is only stored for the purpose of reservation & deleted immediately.
Ein kurzweiliges Dreierlei zum Aperitivo
Freu dich auf drei Mini-Cocktails, gepaart mit perfekt abgestimmten Snacks – alles nach Chef’s Choice.
Ein wundervoller Einstieg in den Abend!
A Delightful Trio for Aperitivo
Enjoy three mini cocktails, each perfectly paired with complementary nibbles – all Chef’s Choice.
A wonderful way to start your evening!
FABELEI Academy - Rum Tasting Experience
Willkommen zu unserem ersten Tasting 2025!
Was dich erwartet:
Lerne die verschieden Stile von Rum kennen und probiere aus, wie diese in Cocktails schmecken. Hinzu kommen gute Atmosphäre und ein paar Snacks aus unserer Bistroküche.
Der Kurs wird ca. 90 Minuten dauern und wird in der Bar stattfinden.
Bitte gebe uns im Fall von Unverträglichkeiten vorab Bescheid.
Wir freuen uns auf dich!