Gasthof Forsthaus, located in Moritzburg, is a beautiful and intimate restaurant and event space available for lunch, dinner and special occasions. A quaint dining space is wistfully decorated in the style of old Germany, and Gasthof Forsthaus's history as a hunting lodge has made its way into the decor as well as the menu. Dishes of venison dominate the menu, prepared in a variety of ways from traditional German cooking techniques. Diners can also enjoy the local Meissner wines, which come from a local vintner. After dinner, guests can stroll around the Gasthof Forsthaus grounds or even enjoy a ride on a horse-drawn carriage.
10 Parkplätze am Haus, ansonsten Nutzung des Parkstreifens Schlossallee vor dem Haus
Public transit
Bus 100 m, Schmalspurbahn 1,5 km
Organisation von Kutsch- u. Kremserfahrten, Führungen im Landgestüt, Schloss und Fasanenschlösschen, Leuchtturmbesteigungen, Fackelwanderungen im Wildgehege, Oldtimertransfer und Fahrten mit der Lößnitzgrundbahn (Schmalspur).