Helmed by Executive Chef Bob Ryan, Little Sparrow is a neighborhood "continental" restaurant from Ford Fry. Inspired by Parisian bistros and Brooklyn’s favorite taverns, Little Sparrow picks up the mantle from its beloved predecessor, JCT Kitchen and Bar to serve the Westside in a new incarnation. Named in honor of superstar French chanteuse Edith Piaf (Fry’s Howell Mill Road steakhouse, Marcel, is named after Piaf’s lover, boxer Marcel Cerdan) the menu presents timeless Brasserie classics and simple, indulgent fare including an entire section dedicated to extraordinary "Frites." Dinner is framed by a top-flight cocktail program and a superbly curated wine list, as well as tableside service meant to make every guest feel pampered.
Elevate your client meetings or social gatherings with us! We can help you plan anything from a dinner in our private dining room or private reception with a full restaurant buyout. We also have a covered outdoor patio. Email EventsLittleSparrow@rocketfarmrestaurants.com to learn more!