Our unique outdoor elevator leads from the entrance area on the ground floor directly to the restaurant 70 meters high in the sky above Berlin. A spectacular 270-degree panorama meets cozy and urban design. From every place you can watch the beautiful sunset and the nightly, colorful sea of lights of the capital. Our Executive Chef Jon Kremin and his team pamper you with creative compositions and modern classics in a familiar “SHARING STYLE”. A SHARED PLEASURE IS DOUBLE THE PLEASURE!
You can reserve for a maximum of 8 people; if you have more guests, please send an inquiry by email to: info@solarberlin.com
Please note that our security staff at the door are responsible for ensuring compliance with the house rules. In very rare cases it may happen that entry cannot be guaranteed despite a reservation, e.g. B. in the event of security concerns or violations of house rules.
Ob Geburtstag oder Get Together.
Ihr habt garantierten Zugang in unsere Bar und einen eigenen kleinen Bereich.
Der Mindestumsatz beträgt 75€ pro Person.
Leider müssen wir eine "No Show" Gebühr in Höhe von 35€ pro Person bei Nichterscheinen berechnen.
Stornierungen müssen mind. 24 Stunden vorher getätigt werden, ansonsten fällt auch hier die "No Show" Gebühr in Höhe von 35€ an.
Bezahlung vor Ort.
Whether it’s a birthday or a get together.
You have guaranteed access to our bar and your own small area.
The minimum spend is €75 per person.
Unfortunately we have to charge a "No Show" fee of €35 per person if you do not show up.
Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise a “no show” fee of €35 will apply.
Payment on site.
Private Dining
Unser runder "Communication Table" für eure besonderen Abende. Ob Geburtstag, Geschäftsessen oder Junggesellen*innenabschied. An unserem runden Tisch, welche komplett abtrennbar vom à la carte Bereich ist, könnt ihr einen berauschenden Abend verbringen. Überlasst uns einfach die Wahl, lehnt euch gemütlich zurück und genießt ein kulinarisches Feuerwerk. 10% Tip is welcome
Bezahlung vor Ort.
Our round "Communication Table" for your special evenings. Whether birthday, business dinner or bachelor party. At our round table, which can be completely separated from the à la carte area in a private atmosphere. Just leave the choice to us, sit back and enjoy a culinary journey.
10% tip is welcome
Payment on site.