Wienstein & Gavino's
- グループ・宴会に最適
- 特別な食事に最適
- にぎやか
- 【ダイニングスタイル】カジュアル
- 予算31~50 カナダ・ドル
- 料理ジャンルイタリア料理, ピッツェリア, カクテルバー
- 【営業時間】11:00~00:00
- 電話番号(514) 288-2231
- 【ホームページ】
- 【ご利用可能カード】AMEX, Mastercard, Visa
- Dress codeスマートカジュアル
- エリアダウンタウン
- 【最寄りの駅・交差点】Rue Sainte-Catherine
- Parking detailsコインパーキング
- Public transitAccessible by Metro Peel or Guy-Concordia on the Green line or from Lucien-L'Allier on the Orange line, Public bus service available.
- 【その他】カクテル, グルテンフリーのメニュー, テイクアウト, テラス席, テラス席, バー・ラウンジ, ハッピーアワー, バリアフリー, ビール, ワイン, 宅配サービス, 本格的なバー, 深夜(22時以降)営業, 肉・魚・卵・乳製品 NG
Wienstein & Gavino'sのメニューの最終更新日:2024-09-03
Chourizo alla Griglia**CA$17.00
Chourizo grillé, olives Kalamata, tomates cerise, fenouil rôti, basilic, oignons [Grilled chorizo, Kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes, roasted fennel, basil, onions]
Boulettes de riz aux tomates séchées, parmigiano et mozzarella, sauce tomate [Rice balls with sun-dried tomatoes, Parmigiano & mozzarella, tomato sauce]
Minestrone con FagioliCA$8.00
Légumes, haricots, bouillon de tomate [Vegetables, beans, tomato broth]
Burrata in BruschettaCA$14.00
Burrata maison, pistaches, miel, basilic, crostini, réduction de balsamique [Homemade Burrata, pistachio, honey, basil, crostini, balsamic reduction]
Bruschetta al PomodoroCA$12.00
Tomates, basilic, oignons, parmigiano, réduction de balsamique, crostini [Tomatoes, basil, onions, Parmigiano, balsamic reduction, crostini]
Cozze TarantinaCA$19.00
Moules, tomates, safran, échalotes, persil, vin blanc, crostini à l'ail, sauce tomate [Mussels, tomatoes, saffron, shallots, parsley, white wine, garlic crostini, tomato sauce]
Zuppa del GiornoCA$8.00
Soupe du jour [Soup of the day]
Calamari FrittiCA$23.00
Calmars frits, sauce diablo et aioli [Fried calamari, diablo sauce and aioli]
Salsiccia ItalianaCA$16.00
Saucisse italienne, pepperonata, crostini à l'ail [Italian sausage, pepperonata, garlic crostini]
Boulettes de viande, sauce tomate, copeaux de parmigiano [Meatballs, tomato sauce, Parmigiano shavings]
Pieuvre grillée, tomates, olives, câpres, purée de pois chiche [Grilled octopus, tomatoes, olives, capers, chickpea purée]
Burrata Ratatouille CrostiniCA$21.00
Insalata CesarCA$16.00
Laitue romaine, vinaigrette César, copeaux de parmigiano, croûtons [Romaine lettuce, Caesar dressing, Parmigiano shavings, croutons]
Insalata di GavinoCA$19.00
Romaine, roquette, carottes, bocconcini, oignons, olives, pepperoncini, vinaigrette au vin rouge [Romaine, arugula, carrots, bocconcini, onions, olives, pepperoncini, red wine vinaigrette]
Insalata di RucolaCA$19.00
Roquette, radicchio, mandarines, copeaux de parmigiano, vinaigrette balsamique et miel [Arugula, radicchio, mandarines, parmesan shavings, balsamic and honey vinaigrette]
Insalata CapreseCA$18.00
Tomates, fior di latte, pesto au basilic, huile d'olive, réduction balsamique [Tomatoes, fior di latte, basil pesto, olive oil, balsamic reduction]
Insalata MediterraneaCA$19.00
Tomates, poivrons, olives, oignons rouges, concombres, fromage de chèvre, huile d'olive, vinaigre de vin rouge [Tomatoes, peppers, olives, red onions, cucumbers, goat cheese, olive oil, red wine vinaigrette]
Ajouts / Add-0ns
Poulet Grillé Marine aux Herbes / Marinated Herb-Grilled ChickenCA$8.00
Crevettes Tigrées Grillées / Grilled Tiger Shrimp
- 3 Pour / 3 forCA$12.00
Picatta al LimoneCA$32.00
Veau de lait, vin blanc, citron, persil, câpres, èchalotes, beurre [Milk-fed veal, white wine, lemon, parsley, capers, shallots, butter]
Salmone alla GrigliaCA$32.00
Saumon grillé, mayo à l’aneth, èchalotes, et citron Grilled salmon, dill, shallot, and lemon mayo
Costoletta di AgnelloCA$38.00
Côtelèttes d'agneau grillées [Grilled lamb chops]
Pollo alla ParmigianaCA$30.00
Poitrine de volaille panée, parmigiano, gratin au mozzarella [Breaded chicken breast, Parmigiano, mozzarella gratin]
Vitello MarsalaCA$32.00
Escalope de veau de lait, sauce au vin Marsala, champignons [Milk-fed veal scaloppine, Marsala wine sauce, mushrooms]
Costatta di ManzoCA$44.00
Côte de boeuf certifiée Angus (18oz) grillée [Grilled certified Angus rib steak (18oz)]
Gamberetto GrigiliatoCA$33.00
Crevettes marinées grillées, ail, vin blanc, paprika [Grilled marinated shrimp, garlic, white wine, paprika]
Bistecca di ManzoCA$35.00
Contrefilet de boeuf grillé, sauce demi-glace, poivre et crème [Grilled Sirloin steak, demi-glace sauce, pepper and cream]
Risotto funghi di BoscoCA$30.00
Champignons portobello, café et royaux, asperges, épinards, échalotes [Portobello, king and coffee mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, shallots]
Risotto del PescatoreCA$35.00
Del Pescatore. Moules, palourdes, crevettes, pétoncles, calmars, safran, bouillon de homard [Mussels, clams, shrimp, scallops, calamari, saffron, lobster broth]
Ajoutez Une Boulette Deviande [Add a Meat Ball] $6. Pâte Sans Gluten [Gluten-Free Dough] $5. [** CONTIENT DU PORC / CONTAINS PORK]
Sauce tomate, basilic, mozzarella [Tomato sauce, basil, mozzarella]
Sauce tomate, pepperoni, champignons, poivrons, mozzarella [Tomato sauce, pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, mozzarella]
Sauce tomate, tomates séchées au four, poivrons, zucchini, oignons, artichauts, mozzarella, ricotta [Tomato sauce, oven-dried tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, onions, artichokes, mozzarella, ricotta]
Salsicce e Rapini**CA$23.00
Sauce tomate, saucisse italienne émiétté, rapini, tomates cerise rôites, mozzarella, ricotta [Tomato sauce, ground Italian sausage, rapini, roasted cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, ricotta]
Il Maialino**CA$24.00
Sauce tomate, capicollo, pepperoni, bacon, mortadelle, poivrons forts, mozzarella [Tomato sauce, capicollo, pepperoni, bacon, mortadella, spicy peppers, mozzarella]
Sauce tomate, épinards, ail, œuf, mozzarella, huile d’olive, tomates séchées, ricotta [Tomato sauce, spinach, garlic, egg, mozzarella, olive oil, oven dried tomatoes, ricotta]
Cinque FormaggiCA$24.00
Mozzarella, provolone, Gorgonzola, brie, cheddar
Bologna di WG **CA$24.00
Sauce bolognese, cheddar mixte, bacon, mozzarella, basilic [Bolognese sauce, mixed cheddar, bacon, mozzarella, basil]
Gamberi CapesanteCA$24.00
Sauce béchamel, pesto au basilic, crevettes, pétoncles, fromage mozzarella [Bechamel sauce, basil pesto, shrimp, scallops, mozzarella cheese]
Pollo PestoCA$24.00
Pesto au basilic, poulet rôti, poivrons, oignons, jalapeño, provolone fumé [Basil pesto, roasted chicken, peppers, onions, jalapeño, smoked provolone]
Funghi e CipollaCA$24.00
Champignons sauvages, oignons caramélisés, fromage de chèvre, mozzarella, huile de truffe [Wild mushrooms, caramelized onions, goat cheese, mozzarella, truffle oil]
Choix de pâtes fraîches [Choice of fresh pasta]: Capelli d'angelo, Spaghetti, Linguine, Linguine Grains, Entiers, Fettuccine Papardelle, Farfalle, Fusilli, Penne Rigati, Penne sans Gluten. Extra $3.50 - Tortelloni ,gnocchi. [** CONTIENT DU PORC / CONTAINS PORK]
Sauce tomate, basilic [Tomato sauce, basil]
Crème, parmigiano [Cream, Parmigiano]
Sauce tomate, crème, basilic [Tomato sauce, cream, basil]
Sauce à la viande, basilic [Meat sauce, basil]
Pesto al BasilicoCA$23.00
Pesto au basilic, noix de pins, crème [Basil pesto, pine nuts, cream]
Al Sole e BurrataCA$27.00
Huile d'olive, tomates séchées, tomates cerise, burrata, basilic [Olive oil, sun-dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, burrata, basil]
Pollo alla "Sofia"CA$27.00
Volaille, tomates cerises rôties, échalotes, fromage de chèvre, parmigiano [Chicken, roasted cherry tomatoes, shallots, goat cheese, Parmigiano]
Funghi di BoscoCA$24.00
Champignons sauvages, vin blanc, persil, crême [Wild mushrooms, white wine, parsley, cream]
Salsiccia e Gamberi**CA$27.00
Chorizo, crevettes, tomates fraîches, roquette, ail, vin [Chorizo, shrimp, fresh tomatoes, arugula, garlic, wine]
Crème, parmigiano, oeuf, bacon, échalotes [Cream, Parmigiano, egg, bacon, scallions]
Primavera EstivaleCA$24.00
Sauce tomate, légumes saisonniers, vin blanc, basil [Tomato sauce, seasonal vegetables, white wine, basil]
Gamberi MacchiatoCA$28.00
Crevettes, ail, piments forts, vin blanc, persil, tomates cerise, bouillon de homard [Shrimp, garlic, chili peppers, white wine, parsley, cherry tomatoes, lobster broth]
Misto di MareCA$32.00
Sauce tomate, moules, palourdes, crevettes, pétoncles, calmars, vin blanc [Tomato sauce, mussels, clams, shrimp, scallops, calamari, white wine]
Sauce tomate, crème, prosciutto, champignons, basilic [Tomato sauce, cream, prosciutto, mushrooms, basil]
Palourdes, tomates, vin blanc, chili [Clams, tomatoes, white wine, chili]
Ravioli alla GavinoCA$24.00
Ravioli farcis au parmesan, romano, ricotta et épinards, sauce Alfredo, pesto au tomates séchées, épinards [Ravioli stuffed with parmesan, romano, ricotta & spinach, Alfredo sauce, sun-dried tomato pesto, spinach]
Lasagna di CarneCA$25.00
Mac & Cheese
Mac & Cheese*CA$29.00
Bacon, Chorizo, Cheddar, Provolone Fumé, Brie, Parmigiano, Oignons Caramélisés, Panko [Bacon, Chorizo, Cheddar, Smoked Provolone, Brie, Parmigiano, Caramelized Onions, Panko]
Dolce / Desserts
Croustade aux Pommes, Crème Glacée à la VanilleCA$10.00
Warm apple cobbler, vanilla ice cream
Le Tiramisù de Monsieur GavinoCA$11.00
Mr. Gavino's signature tiramisù
Gâteau au Fromage au NutellaCA$11.00
Nutella cheese cake
Gâteau au ChocolatCA$11.00
Chocolate cake
Sorbet Artisanal Framboise, Pêche Ou CitronCA$10.00
Artisanal raspberry, peach or lemon sorbet
Crème Glacée Italienne - Chocolate, Vanille, Érable et NoixCA$9.00
Italian ice cream - chocolate, vanilla, maple walnut
Tarte au CitronCA$10.00
Lemon Pie
Wienstein & Gavino'sで食事をしたお客様による評価・口コミ です(最近の評価に基づく)。
- 4.4料理
- 4.5サービス
- 4.4雰囲気
- 4.4コストパフォーマンス
騒音レベル • 普通
- J
モントリオール・ケベック評価・口コミ (1)
- 総合評価 5
- 料理 5
- サービス 5
- 雰囲気 5
Had not been to this place in 20 years. Wanted to try it again for nostalgic reasons and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of service and food. Was delicious! I won’t wait 20 years to go back!この情報は役に立ちましたか?
- E
モントリオール・ケベック評価・口コミ (2)
- 総合評価 5
- 料理 5
- サービス 5
- 雰囲気 5
Our experience at Wiestein et Gabino’s was excellent. The service was warm and professional, the atmosphere cozy and elegant, and the food simply delicious. Each dish was carefully prepared with fresh ingredients and well-balanced flavors. Definitely a highly recommended place to enjoy a quality meal. We’ll be back soon!この情報は役に立ちましたか?
- M
Michael VIP
モントリオール・ケベック評価・口コミ (2)
- 総合評価 5
- 料理 4
- サービス 5
- 雰囲気 5
A memorable evening, as always. A wonderful, vibrant place to meet friends or bring business colleagues. The food was great, the service outstanding, and prices very reasonable. Tony has to be one of the best waiters in the city! Thank you,この情報は役に立ちましたか?
- M
Unspecified評価・口コミ (1)
- 総合評価 5
- 料理 4
- サービス 5
- 雰囲気 5
I had an amazing time there celebrating a friends bday m. The restaurant was very cozy and love the atmosphere. The server was great and we enjoyed the and the Drinks were great!この情報は役に立ちましたか?
- B