【Diners' Choice】リトルロックのにぎやかレストラン
リトルロックの活気のあるバーお探しなら、OpenTable にお任せください!OpenTable では毎月、世界中のお客様から寄せられる2百万件以上の過去4か月分の評価・口コミを分析します。エリアやカテゴリーごとに結果を分類し、ダイナーが新しいレストランを発掘できるよう、ランキングで掲載しています。ダ イナーのみなさまには、お食事後に評価・口コミをお願いし、OpenTable は、そのフィードバックをもとに、さらに役立つ情報をお届けします。ぜひご参考になさってください!
Vault will be closed Saturday January 11th due to inclement weather. For VALENTINES DAY, Vault will offer a special prix fix menu. The regular menu will not be available. Menu is posted on the Menu tab.
Vault will be closed Wednesday January 29th for a private event. We will be open Easter and Mother's Day.
Please note that parties of 6 or more may have a gratuity of 21% added.
No outside food or beverage please, INCLUDING CAKES.
Vault restaurant is on the main floor of the original Bank Building, built in 1909 in Historic Downtown Hot Springs, AR. We have preserved the original bank vault that allows for private dining for groups up to 4. Our attention is on all the details... “all the way down to the salt and pepper shakers.” We hope you will join us for your Timeless Vault Dining Experience.
FOR FLOWERS, CHOCOLATES, ETC, PLEASE GO TO : https://hotspringsfloristgifts.com
Vault will be open on NEW YEARS EVE. Menu is posted under ".Menus"