The Melting Potはカジュアルでエレガントな雰囲気の中で、他にはない双方向のダイニング体験を提供しています。ロマンチックな夜、企業のディナーパーティー、または友好的な集まりに最適な場所です。ゲストは選べる4種の風味豊かなフォンデュ料理、特製ディップソースと組み合わせた多様な品揃えのメインディッシュを楽しめます。メニューにはクリーミーなチーズフォンデュ、新鮮なサラダ、高級ワインと食欲をそそるチョコレートフォンデュのデザートも含まれます。
The Melting Pot is the perfect destination for any special occasion. Whether you are celebrating a graduation, anniversary, birthday, or holiday party, a fondue dining experience is unique way to create memories with your party. Our event coordinators can help create customized menus, menu print-outs, wine pairings, and bar packages. The Melting Pot has private booths for two guests up to a banquet room for groups of 45 guests.
On street parking available as well as two public parking lots. Valet Parking available at Easton Station, or enjoy either of two parking garages less than a block from the restaurant.
The Melting Pot - Columbus 4 course experience menu plus additional celebration package add-on options
***If Choosing Traditional Reservation, the party must do FOUR COURSES***