George William Wiltonは、LondonのHaymarketの業者に最高のカキを提供しました。現在Wiltonsはその伝統を継続し、最高のカキ、シーフードを提供し続けています。
バースデ ーケーキやシャンパンなどの特別リクエストがあれば、予約時にWiltonsまで直接お問い合わせください。
Private Dining at Wiltons, our exceptionally appointed “Jimmy Marks Room” accommodates up to 20 guests for a seated meal and up to 40 for a drinks reception.The Green Room seats up to 44 guests and the whole restaurant is available for private hire.
During the day it is possible park on Jermyn street and the surrounding streets via a telephone parking system, however, these spaces are very limited and maximum stay is only for a short length of time. After 6.30pm the parking is free. <br />An NCP car park is within 5 minutes walk of the restaurant.
Public transit
Wiltons is located in between Green Park Tube Station (Victoria Line, Piccadilly Line and Jubilee Line) and Piccadilly Circus Tube Station (Piccadilly Line and Bakerloo Line).